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当前,我国乡镇企业的发展正进入一个由量的扩展为主向质的提高为主转变,由速度效益型向质量效益型转变的新阶段,既有难得的发展机遇,又面临着一系列需要解决的困难和问题。其中,乡镇企业自身存在的结构性矛质已经成为进一步发展和提高的突出制约因素。这主要表现在:在区域结构中,东中西部经济发展差距进一步扩大;在布局结构中,存在着集中度不高、点多面广的不合理现象;在产业结构中,重复建设现象较为严重,农业产业化经营水平较低,第三产业发展滞后;在产品结构中,初加工产品多,名特优新和高科技、高附加值的产品少,缺乏市场竞争力;在企业组织结构中,许多企业规模偏小,技术设备落后,管理比较粗放;在所有制结构中,部分集体企业产权不清、机制创新不够,个体私有企业缺乏有效管理,股份制和股份合作制企业尚需进 At present, the development of the township enterprises in our country is entering a new stage of transformation from the expansion of quantity to the improvement of quality, and the transformation from speed-benefit to quality-benefit. There are both rare opportunities for development and a series of needs Solve the difficulties and problems. Among them, the structural contradictions existing in the township and village enterprises themselves have become prominent constraints for further development and improvement. This is mainly manifested in the fact that in the regional structure, the gap between the economic development in the eastern, central and western regions has further widened. In the structure of the distribution, there is an irrational phenomenon with a low concentration and a wide range of points. In the industrial structure, the phenomenon of repeated construction is more serious, In the structure of the products, there are many kinds of products initially processed, such as special new technology and high technology, high value-added products, and lack of market competitiveness. In the organizational structure of enterprises, In the structure of ownership, some collective enterprises have unclear property rights, inadequate mechanism innovation, and the lack of effective management of individual and private enterprises. Enterprises in joint-stock and joint-stock cooperation still need to enter the market
为形成一个比较健全的人才柔性流动机制,为经济的发展延揽更多的人才,上海市闵行区人事局加强政策研究,制定一整套有效的措施来推动人才的柔性流动。 In order to create a
一、严格把握实施债转股的条件和范围,切忌一哄而起 债转股方案出台后,不少国有企业对其表现出了极大的热情,将其视为摆脱债务负担的捷径,视为政府提供的又一扶贫救灾的优惠
(一)我没有想到,会在上学的路上遇见阿曼达。从三年级开始,我就向父母争取独自上学的权利。对我来说,争取 (A) I did not expect that I met Amanda on my way to school. F