
来源 :商事仲裁 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:XULIANSHUAI
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首席仲裁员不仅是仲裁程序的组织者和主持人,而且是仲裁结果的决定者和公断人。首席仲裁员把握着仲裁案件的公正与公平,决定着仲裁的质量。但我国现行关于首席仲裁员产生方式的法律规定与仲裁实践的结果存在一些矛盾与困惑。比较研究我国与世界各国及地区有关立法不仅有助于我们开阔眼界,而且实乃学习借鉴现代仲裁制度应取之态度。在研究确定仲裁庭首席仲裁员制度设计时,我们应当考虑的因素包括:理论依据、仲裁员的人性因素与中立性、中国的国情与文化。在我国仲裁法的框架下,仲裁庭首席仲裁员的确定问题早已为仲裁界所注意,一些仲裁机构在其新修订的仲裁规则中进行了有益探索,但远远不够。为此,笔者提出修改仲裁法有关条文的建议,以完善仲裁庭组成制度,实现当事人意思自治,彰显仲裁之公平与效率。 The chief arbitrator is not only the organizer and host of the arbitration proceedings, but also the arbiter’s arbiter and arbiter. The arbitrator holds the fairness and fairness of arbitration cases and determines the quality of arbitration. However, there are some contradictions and puzzles in the current laws and regulations on the mode of the production of chief arbitrators and the results of arbitration practice in our country. A comparative study of the relevant legislations of our country and other countries and regions in the world not only helps us to broaden our horizons, but also means learning from the modern arbitration system. In studying the design of the arbitration tribunal’s chief arbitrator system, we should consider the following factors: theoretical basis, arbitrator’s human factors and neutrality, China’s national conditions and culture. In the framework of the Arbitration Law of our country, the issue of determining the chief arbitrator of the arbitration tribunal has long been noted by the arbitration tribunal. Some arbitration institutions have made useful explorations in their newly revised arbitration rules, but they are far from enough. To this end, the author proposes to amend the relevant provisions of the Arbitration Law in order to improve the composition of the arbitration tribunal, realize the autonomy of parties and demonstrate the fairness and efficiency of arbitration.
有数据表明,过去20多年,中国虽然是世界上经济增长最快的国家之 一,但所增加的国内生产总值中,至少有18%是通过“透支”资源和生 态环境获取的。资源的浪费、生态的退化和环