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在3S技术的支持下,以内蒙古伊克昭盟窟野河流域2002和2006年的LandsatTM影像为信息源,对比分析2002~2006年窟野河流域中的高皂依小流域,奎洞小流域(非沙区水土保持治理区)以及泊尔洞小流域,圪丑沟小流域(沙区水土保持治理区)水土保持治理前后的土地利用变化及其差异。结果表明:二者5年的土地利用均发生了不同程度的变化:1)从土地利用结构的总体变化趋势来看:前者主要表现为低覆盖度草地显著减少,中、高覆盖度草地面积增加;后者主要表现为沙地的大幅度下降,中覆盖度草地增加,高覆盖度草地及有林地面积增加。2)从土地利用类型转化速度来看:前者以中覆盖度草地及耕地这两种土地利用类型变化速度最小,高覆盖度草地和疏林地变化速度最大;后者以沙地变化速度最快,呈急剧下降态势,中覆盖度草地增加速率较其它类型快。3)从土地利用类型之间的转化来看:前者以中、低覆盖度草地转化为有林地,中、低覆盖度草地之间的相互转化为主。后者以沙地向低覆盖度草地、疏林地和中覆盖度草地转化为主。研究区土地利用动态变化情况表明在该区实施的各项水土保持工程效果良好。 With the support of 3S technology, taking the LandsatTM images of the Kuye River Basin in Yikezhao League, Inner Mongolia in 2002 and 2006 as the sources of information, the comparative analyzes were made between the high soapiness watershed and the Quetong small watershed in the Kuye River basin Non-sand area soil and water conservation area), and the change of land use and its difference before and after water and soil conservation in Poyndong small watershed and Gujugou small watershed (sandy area soil and water conservation area). The results showed that both land use and land use changed in different degrees in the following five years: 1) According to the general trend of land use structure change, the former mainly showed that grass land with low coverage decreased significantly and grass land with middle and high coverage increased ; The latter mainly showed a substantial decrease of sandy land, an increase of mid-coverage grasslands and an increase of grassland and woodland areas with high coverage. 2) According to the conversion rate of land use types, the former has the least change rate of grassland and cultivated land with the lowest coverage rate, and the grassland and woodland with the highest coverage change most rapidly. The latter takes the fastest change of sandy land, A sharp decline, the coverage rate of grass increased faster than other types. 3) Judging from the transformation between land use types, the former mainly relies on the transformation of middle and low coverage grassland into grassland with medium and low coverage. The latter is mainly dominated by sandy land conversion to low-coverage grassland, sparse forest land and medium-coverage grassland. The dynamic changes of land use in the study area show that all the soil and water conservation projects implemented in this area are effective.
牛刀小试一天,老师告诉我们:“我县将举办一次中小学生航模比赛!”听到这个消息,一向喜欢动手制作的我跃跃欲试,准备参赛。 A small chopper day, the teacher told us: “
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