Guarding Privacy

来源 :Beijing Review | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luckkycaroll
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Protection from the media and the Internet for young offenders requires improvementOn August 29,the trial of a high-profile gang rape case in Beijing concluded.In the months leading up to the trial,the case,which involved the son of a famous Chinese singer,attracted a great amount of attention from the media and the public.Meanwhile,the debate over the privacy of juvenile offenders was also brought to the forefront of public discourse by experts who raised concerns over the publicity of the case.Some claimed that the relentless media reports and online sharing of every-minute detail of the suspect infringed on his right to privacy,particularly Protection from the media and the Internet for young offenders requires improvement On August 29, the trial of a high-profile gang rape case in Beijing concluded. The the leading leading to the trial, the case, which involved the son of a famous Chinese singer , attracted a great amount of attention from the media and the public .Meanwhile, the debate over the privacy of juvenile offenders was also brought to the forefront of public discourse by experts who raised concerns over the publicity of the case.Some claimed that the relentless media reports and online sharing of every-minute detail of the suspect infringed on his right to privacy, particularly
近日,轻纺城建管委向党员干部下发十三个“名词解释”,深入推进学习教育活动。   这十三个“名词解释”包括:“四风”、中央“八项规定”、省委“六项禁令”、省委“28条办法
【摘要】我国高校开展创业教育已有10多年的历史,创业教育研究也已经成了一个新的研究热点,产生了不少有价值的研究成果,但另一方面,人们对于创业教育的许多基本问题仍没有统一的、清晰的认识,这在一定程度上限制了创业教育健康、快速地发展。本文从与创业教育相关的基本问题入手,进而探讨了创业教育的目的和模式等问题,以期达成共识,明确方向,凝聚力量。  【关键词】创业;创业教育;非公有制经济;模式    如今各
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