(一)现状 疏勒县艾尔木东公社,是一九六四年新建公社。地处三县交界,位于库山河下游,共有九个大队,五十四个生产队,二千六百一十九户,八千二百零四人,三千五百个劳力,三万零七百五十五亩耕地。目前,艾尔木东公社的面貌与过去相比变化较大,这是在毛主席革命路线指引下,依靠广大贫下中农艰苦奋斗,苦干、实干取得的 但这与兄弟省、县、社相比,还差的很远 离党和人民的要求,还距离很大。然而,为了取经求教,为了创社会主义大业,今天,我们抱着“丑媳妇不怕见公婆”的心情,向各级首长和同志们汇报十年来的工作。
(A) the current Shule County Elm East commune, is 1964 new commune. Located at the junction of three counties, located in the lower reaches of the Ku Shan River, a total of nine brigades, 54 production team, 2619, 8244, 3500 labor, 30000 Seven hundred and fifty-five acres of arable land. At present, the face of the Al-Mudong commune has changed considerably from that in the past. This was done under the guidance of Chairman Mao’s revolutionary line and relied on the hard struggle, hard work and hard work of the vast number of poor and middle-class peasants, Compared with the requirements of the party and the people, they are still far behind. However, in order to learn lessons and create a great cause of socialism, we today report our ten-year work to leaders and comrades at various levels with the “ugly-minded wife intimidated to see her in-laws.”