加快调整改造 振兴辽宁军工

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我国的东北三省,是个美丽、富饶的地方。建国以来,东北人民为国家作出了巨大贡献,令人赞叹,让人铭记。党的十六大提出一项重大战略决策:支持东北地区等老工业基地加快调整改造,国务院制定了振兴东北地区等老工业基地的战略,这对于振兴、发展东北军工是一次难得的机遇。 去年十月,国防科工委在哈尔滨市召开会议,研究部署加快东北地区国防科技工业调整改造和振兴,促进与地方经济融合工作,会后各军工单位迅速行动,积极落实会议精神,出现了可喜局面。 现在,本刊开设“振兴东北军工”专栏,将刊登报道加快东北国防科技工业调整改造和振兴的经验体会,欢迎大家积极投稿。 Our three northeastern provinces are a beautiful and fertile place. Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the people of Northeast China have made tremendous contributions to the country and are very impressive and memorable. The 16th CPC National Congress proposed a major strategic decision: supporting the northeast region and other old industrial bases to speed up adjustment and reform; and the State Council has formulated a strategy of revitalizing the northeast region and other old industrial bases. This is a rare opportunity for rejuvenating and developing northeast military. In October last year, the Commission of Science, Technology, Science, Technology, Industry and Information Technology of the People’s Republic of China held a meeting in Harbin to study and deploy to speed up the restructuring, rebuilding and rejuvenation of the national defense science and technology industry in the northeast region and promote the integration with the local economy. After the meeting, all military units took prompt actions and actively implemented the spirit of the meeting. situation. At present, we have set up a special column entitled “Revitalizing the Northeast Military Workers.” We will publish our own experience in accelerating the restructuring, rejuvenation and rejuvenation of the national defense science and technology industry in Northeast China. We welcome your contributions.
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