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中央人民政府政务院财政经济委员会今天公布了一项重要的决定,委托各地介作社对粮食、棉花、油料作物等主要农产品实行预购。这就是在农作物播种前后,在农民自愿的基础上,由各地合作社代表国家和农民订立合同,预付一部分定余,而后由农民按照合同规定的品种、数量、质量和时间,在收获后把农产品卖给国家。这是国家过渡时期的一项重要政策,全体农村党政干部和经济部门的干部,都应认真作好这项工作。农产品预购,是加强农业生产计划件、把小农经济纳入国家计划轨道的一项重要措施。我们国家的经济建设,是依照按比例发展的法则进行的。因此,不仅要求工业,而且也要求农业都应按照国家的计划进行生产。可是目前我国农村中还是小农经济占优势的,这种小农经济是分 The Financial and Economic Committee of the Central People’s Government and the State Council announced today an important decision that commissioned local agencies to pre-order major agricultural products such as grain, cotton and oil-bearing crops. This means that before and after the planting of crops, on the voluntary basis of the peasants, the co-operatives on behalf of the country and the peasants shall conclude a contract for the advancement of part of the surplus, and then the peasants will sell the produce after the harvest according to the variety, quantity, quality and time stipulated in the contract To the country. This is an important policy during the transitional period of the country. All cadres in the party, government, party and government departments in the rural areas and the economic departments should earnestly do this work. Pre-ordering of agricultural products is an important measure to strengthen planning of agricultural production and bring the peasant economy into the national plan. The economic construction of our country is based on the principle of proportionality. Therefore, not only industry but also agriculture should be produced in accordance with the state’s plan. However, at present, China’s rural areas are still dominated by small-scale peasant agriculture. This peasant economy is divided
  目的 应用心率变异(Heart Rate Varibiliti HRV)分析理论对健康人群进行压力评估,探讨压力对健康的影响,为压力管理提供依据.方法 采用韩国Medicore公司研发的SA-3000P精神
  目的 探讨在不同性别的体检人群中糖尿病患病的影响因素。方法 本次研究选取2008年在北京某体检中心体检时未患糖尿病且2009年和2010年连续2年随访的体检人群作为研究对
  目的 评估人群血清谷氨酰转肽酶(γ-glutamyltransferase,GGT)与代谢综合征(metabolic syndrome,MS)关联性。方法 采用历史性队列研究方法,对深圳市4935名健康体检人群进
  观察中药复方化纤汤防治放射性肺损伤的临床疗效。方法 70例胸部恶性肿瘤拟接受放化疗治疗病人随机分为两组,化纤汤组34例自放化疗开始时服药,每日一剂,分两次煎煮,总药