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在国家纺织局行业管理司日前公布1998年1~7月中国纺织经济运行情况报告,对1998年后几个月纺织行业经济扭亏形势进行了分析。 1998年1~7月纺织行业同比增亏0.6亿元,表明上半年国有纺织工业减亏形势没有持续,反而呈现逆转。这进一步加大了实现1998年扭亏30亿元的难度。1 实现扭亏30亿元面临的最大障碍是市场问题 (1)亚洲金融危机进一步加剧,使我国对日本、韩国纺织品出口的下降势头仍未得到抑制。欧美国家及全球经济受到亚洲金融危机连累,经济增长速度明显放慢,预计在未来几个月内,我对欧美纺织品市场出口不会有大的转机。 A report on the operation of China’s textile economy from January to July 1998 was published a few days ago in the Department of Industry and Management of the National Textile and Textile Bureau, and an analysis of the economy’s turning losses in the textile industry in the months after 1998 was conducted. From January to July 1998, the textile industry recorded a loss of 0.6 billion yuan year-on-year, indicating that the situation in the state-owned textile industry in reducing losses in the first half of the year did not continue, but it reversed. This further increased the difficulty of achieving a deficit of 3 billion yuan in 1998. 1 The biggest obstacle to achieving the deficit of 3 billion yuan is market issues. (1) The Asian financial crisis has further intensified, and the decline in China’s textile exports to Japan and South Korea remains unrest. The European and American countries and the global economy have suffered from the Asian financial crisis and the economic growth rate has slowed down. It is expected that in the coming months, I will not have a big turn for the export of European and American textile markets.
本刊今年第一期发表《智者房林相》一文后,在读者中引起强烈反响。各地读者不断来信来电询问有关“四化水”的详细情况。为此,本期特设版面,对产品加以简要介绍。 超日牌明
美国第二代因特网计划实施情况展览最近在华盛顿举行,这个展览由白宫、7个联邦政府机构和企业界以及大学联合举办,目的是推进第二代因特网的建设。 克林顿总统早在1996年10
Based on the decision made by the State Council, the “National Working Conference on the Closure of illegal Coal Mines and irrationally Distributed Coal Mines