
来源 :海洋科学集刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shuyun99a55
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Antibiotics have been the key chemotherapeutic agents used in maricultural settings to achieve either prophylaxis or therapy. During the last 10 years, the world-wide frequent outbreak of maricultural animal diseases caused by microbes has resulted in extensive and intensive use and misuse of antibiotics. As a harmful side effect, antibiotic resistant bacteria, especially those with multi-drug resistance, are abundant and persistent in marine environments, causing even higher level of difficulty and failure in aquacultural disease control and treatment. Furthermore, via the food chain, interactions of land and ocean, and human maritime activities, antibiotic resistance can be transferred to and spread in healthy marine and terrestrial environments, putting human health and wellbeing at great risk. Thus, maricultural environments, as a cause, reservoir and dissemination source of antibiotic resistance, call for our immediate attention and investment of research efforts. Antibiotics have been the key chemotherapeutic agents used in maricultural settings to achieve either prophylaxis or therapy. During the last 10 years, the world-wide frequent outbreak of maricultural animal diseases caused by microbes has resulted in extensive and intensive use and misuse of antibiotics. As a harmful side effect, antibiotic resistant bacteria, especially those with multi-drug resistance, are abundant and persistent in marine environments, causing even higher level of difficulty and failure in aquacultural disease control and treatment. and ocean, and human maritime activities, antibiotic resistance can be transferred to and spread in healthy marine and terrestrial environments, putting human health and wellbeing at great risk. Thus, maricultural environments, as a cause, reservoir and dissemination source of antibiotic resistance, call for our immediate attention and investment of research efforts.
在绿汁江河谷区利用其独特的气候优势,对避雨棚内的红地球葡萄进行延迟栽培,在8月中旬进行修剪和破眠处理,使得红地球葡萄正常生长发育,并于元旦、春节期间上市,每667 m2经济
上海,中国经济、交通、科技、工业、金融、会展和航运中心之一,是远东“长江三角洲城市群”中的龙头城市,其2014年GDP总量居中国城市第一位,亚洲城市第二位。$$ 按理说,在优
目的为加强急性弛缓性麻痹(AFP),尤其是疫苗相关麻痹型脊灰病例(Vaccine-associated Paralytic Poliomyelitis,VAPP)监测和妥善处理提供依据。方法采用回顾性方法,对江苏省2012—