Synthesis and Characterization of Biomimetic Fe_3O_4/Coke Magnetic Nanoparticles Composite Material

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mn666666
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A composite material(Fe_3O_4/Coke)using coke supported Fe_3O_4 magnetic nanoparticles was successfully prepared via an in-situ chemicaloxidation precipitation method and characterized by SEM,XRD,Raman,and FTIR.The results showed that the Fe_3O_4 nanoparticles existed steadily on the surface of coke,with better dispersing and smaller particle size.The catalytic ability of Fe_3O_4/Coke were investigatied by degrading p-nitrophenol(P-NP).The results showed that the apparent rate constant for the P-NP at 1.0 g·L~(-1) catalyst,30 mmol·L~(-1) H_2O_2,pH=3.0,30 ℃ and the best ratio of Coke/Fe_3O_4 0.6,was evaluated to be 0.027 min~(-1),the removalrate of CODCr was 75.47%,and the dissolubility of Fe was 2.42 mg·L~(-1).Compared with pure Fe_3O_4,the catalytic ability of Fe_3O_4/Coke in the presence of H_2O_2 was greatly enhanced.And Fe_3O_4/Coke was a green and environmentalcatalyst with high catalytic activity,showing a good chemicalstability and reusability. A composite material (Fe_3O_4 / Coke) using coke supported Fe_3O_4 magnetic nanoparticles was successfully prepared via an in-situ chemicaloxidation precipitation method and characterized by SEM, XRD, Raman, and FTIR. The results showed that the Fe_3O_4 nanoparticles existed steadily on the surface of coke, with better dispersing and smaller particle size. The catalytic ability of Fe_3O_4 / Coke were investigated by degrading p-nitrophenol (P-NP). The results showed that the apparent rate constant for the P-NP at 1.0 g · L ~ -1) catalyst, 30 mmol·L -1 H_2O_2, pH = 3.0, 30 ℃ and the best ratio of Coke / Fe_3O_4 0.6, was evaluated to be 0.027 min -1, the removal rate of CODCr was 75.47 %, and the dissolubility of Fe was 2.42 mg · L -1 .Compared with pure Fe_3O_4, the catalytic ability of Fe_3O_4 / Coke in the presence of H_2O_2 was greatly enhanced. And Fe_3O_4 / Coke was a green and environmental catalyst with high catalytic activity, showing a good chemicalstability and reusability.
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