20名患者(女12,男8)均为特发性下运动神经瘫痪(贝尔氏面瘫)。从发病至参与本研究的中间时间(median duration)为65d(6d~7年),平均面瘫程度为Ⅲ级。使用“面部自评形象表”(FSI)评估患者的“自我形象”,“一般健康问卷”(GHQ)了解患者的焦虑和沮丧。在FSI测试中,有16名患者对自己的外貌不满意,其中11名极度不满,希望能有某种程度的改变;另5名表示“不喜欢,但能忍受。”GHQ量表综合指数≥5分即表示有明显的情绪障碍。5位患者得分分别为6,7,10,11和25分。“功能性残疾问卷”(FDQ)评价患者社会生活能力和日常生活自理能力,分析表明:患者最受影响的为社会活动(如:面对面谈话、去饭店或小酒吧),占46%;体力活动受限占22%;生活自理障碍占14%;休闲
Twenty patients (female 12, male 8) were idiopathic lower motor nerve palsy (Bell’s palsy). The median duration from onset to participation in this study was 65 days (ranged from 6 days to 7 years) with an average degree of facial paralysis of grade III. Assess patient “self-image”, “General Health Questionnaire” (GHQ) using the FSI to understand patient anxiety and depression. In the FSI test, 16 patients were dissatisfied with their appearance, of which 11 were extremely dissatisfied, hoping to have some degree of change; the other five said “do not like, but can endure.” GHQ Scale Index ≥ 5 points means that there is a clear emotional disorder. Five patients scored 6, 7, 10, 11 and 25 points respectively. The Functional Disability Questionnaire (FDQ) evaluates patients’ ability to perform social activities and daily activities. The analysis shows that patients are most affected by social activities (such as face-to-face conversation, going to restaurants or bars), accounting for 46%; physical activity Restricted 22%; living obstacles themselves 14%; leisure