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中国工人阶级是我们党最坚实、最可靠的阶级基础,全心全意依靠工人阶级是我们党根本的政治立场和一贯的指导方针。过去,我们党依靠工人阶级取得了革命和建设的巨大胜利,改革开放以来取得的举世瞩目的成就,也无一能够离开工人阶级的创造性劳动。历史充分说明,伟大的中国工人阶级始终是推动社会前进的最基本的动力,党所领导的革命和建设一刻也不能离开工人阶级。然而,随着改革的深入、开放的扩大和市场经济的发展,特别是大批国有企业的出卖、转制和上千万的工人下岗失业,许多人成了被救助的对象,在这种情况下,工人 The Chinese working class is the most solid and reliable class foundation for our party. Relying on the working class wholeheartedly is our Party’s fundamental political stance and consistent guiding principle. In the past, our party relied on the working class to achieve a tremendous victory in the revolution and construction. The remarkable achievements made since the policy of reform and opening up failed to leave the creative labor of the working class. History fully shows that the great working class in China has always been the most basic motive force for promoting social progress. The revolution and construction under the leadership of the party can not leave the working class at any moment. However, with the deepening of reform, the expansion of opening up and the development of a market economy, in particular the sale of a large number of state-owned enterprises, the restructuring and the slaughter and unemployment of tens of millions of workers, many people have been rescued. Under such circumstances, worker
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3月5日,世界各大媒体都报道了这样一件事:埃及文化部部长法鲁克·胡斯尼宣布,约2.5万件古埃及文物从英国回到了阔别已久的故土,这些文物装满了整整85个 March 5, the world
在美国底特律市东北部工业区内,有一幢外表毫不起眼的建筑物,它就是人体冷冻研究所的冷冻库,也是四十七名病 In the northeastern industrial zone of Detroit, USA, there