
来源 :幼儿教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:michaelhocn
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有个电视台曾用“O”作为智力测试题。他们先到大学里,大学生见了这个“O”,便哄堂大笑起来,还说:“这算什么,还想来考我们大学生,太瞧不起人了!”后来,他们去一所幼儿园,幼儿见了“O”,就一个个举起小手,一个说“是月亮”,另一个说“是鸡蛋”,还有人说“是演员的嘴巴,正在唱歌哩”,有个女孩说:“那是老师的眼睛,又在发脾气啦!”你看,幼儿的想像力多丰富!怪不得鲁迅先生说:“孩子是可以敬服的,他们常常想到星月以上的境界,想到地下的情形,想到花卉的用处,想到昆虫的语言,还想飞上天空和潜入蚁穴呢。”这种不受拘束的想像力正是孩子创造的源泉。做父母的大多有这样的经验,一件好好的玩具,一到孩子的手里,没玩几天便被拆散了。其实,这是孩子想展开自己的想像,进行新的创造呢!因此,奥地利的一些幼儿园就专门为孩子提供一些不完整的玩具娃娃,让孩子开动脑筋拆拆拼拼,重新组装新玩具。给孩子讲故事也是一种培养想像力的好方法。孩子听过故事后,最好让他复述一遍。孩子在复述时得对故事进行一番回忆和加工,这其实也是想像和创造的过程。德国著名诗人歌德的妈妈在这一方面就做得很巧妙。她讲故事时总要留下个尾巴,让歌德去想想。当第二天歌德展开想 A television station used “O” as a test of intelligence. They first went to college, college students saw the “O”, they burst into laughter and said: “This is nothing, but also want to test our college students, too despised!” Later, they went to a kindergarten, children see “O,” one hand raised his hand, one said “is the moon,” the other said “is the egg,” others say “is the actor’s mouth, singing the song,” a girl said, “That’s the teacher Eyes, and angry again! ”You see, children’s imagination and more rich! No wonder Mr. Lu Xun said:“ The children can be admired, they often think of the realm of Xingyue, think of the underground situation, think of the use of flowers, Think of the language of insects, but also want to fly into the sky and nest. ”This unconstrained imagination is the source of children’s creativity. Most parents have such experience, a good toy, a child’s hand, did not play a few days was dismantled. In fact, this is a child who wants to start his own imagination and make new innovations! Therefore, some kindergartens in Austria provide children with incomplete dolls in order to dismantle and assemble their children and reassemble new toys. Telling a story to your child is also a great way to develop your imagination. After the child has heard the story, it is best to repeat him. When children repeat the story recall and processing, this is actually the process of imagination and creation. Goethe’s mother, a famous German poet, did a very clever job in this area. She always leaves a tail when she tells a story, let Goethe think about it. Goethe started thinking the next day
古人常说人生有四大乐事:“久旱逢甘霖,他乡遇故知,洞房花烛夜,金榜题名时。”处于压轴地位的就是考上进士,名题金榜,步入仕途,成为封建社会统治阶层的一员,也正因如此,人们将“金榜题名”作为对读书人的美好祝愿,而古代士绅经朝廷允许在故土设立的“科第坊”则是这一现象的最为典型的证明。位于山西省翼城县城内古城的这座科第坊,始建于明代洪武年间,虽饱经沧桑,却依旧巍峨壮观。  精绝古坊  “科第坊”,顾名思义
Magnetic Co1-xNixFe2O4 nanoparticles(NPs) were successfully synthesized via a solvothermal method using ethylene glycol as solvent.The samples were characterize