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生活中品尝美味佳肴乃是人生一大乐趣。然而,你可曾想到每天食用的粮食、蔬菜、水果、鸡蛋及鱼、肉等是否安全、无毒呢? 在一些发达国家中,商店里的莲藕看起来又白又鲜,惹人喜爱。其实,那是用药水漂白后呈现的假象。本来,莲藕从泥中挖出来后,会沾些泥土,表面的颜色也会逐渐发黑。商贩们为了好看,就用磷酸盐药水对莲藕进行浸泡、漂白。进行类似加工的蔬菜还有生姜、青芋、牛蒡等等。工场中大量生产豆芽菜时,为了消灭在高温、多湿条件下大量繁殖的大肠杆菌,豆芽菜出厂前都要用亚盐酸钠药水浸泡,进行杀菌、漂白。这种亚盐酸钠与 Taste delicious food in life is a great pleasure in life. However, have you ever wondered whether the food, vegetables, fruits, eggs, fish and meat that are eaten every day are safe and non-toxic? In some developed countries, the lotus root in the store looks white and fresh and is a favorite. In fact, that is the illusion of using bleach bleaching. Originally, lotro root dug from the mud, it will stick some soil, the surface color will gradually black. In order to look good traders, they use phosphate syrup on the lotus root soak, bleach. Similar processed vegetables are ginger, taro, burdock and so on. Large-scale production of bean sprouts in the factory, in order to eliminate the high temperature, humid conditions, large-scale propagation of E. coli, bean sprouts before leaving the factory with sodium hydrochloric acid syrup to be disinfected, bleach. This sodium hypochlorite and
“曲米酿得春风生,琼浆玉液泛芳樽.”在开怀痛饮之时,谈谈酒味,也是很有意思的. “Qu Mian brewed spring, jan jade jade liquid Panjing bottles.” At the time of the
泡糕原料:大米500克,白糖120克.制法:①先将大米入清水中浸泡,第二天捞出、沥水. Bubble ingredients: 500 grams of rice, sugar 120 grams. Method: ① first rice into
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
生焗鸭,是赣南的传统名菜.其制法简单,色泽诱人,香味扑鼻,味道醇香.食后令人回味无穷. Health baked duck, Gannan is the traditional dishes. The system is simple, att
“亲爱的,你到底爱我什么?是我迷人的身材还是美丽的脸庞?”“是你的幽默感。” “Honey, what do you love me? Is my charming figure or beautiful face? ” “Is you
桂尔福是美国著名的心理学家。他为美国军方研发了一套心理测验,用来挑选最优秀的人担任飞行员。结果很惨,通过这套测试的飞行员,训练时的表现很亮眼,可是一上战场,所驾驶的飞机大多被击落,死亡率非常高。  桂尔福百思不得其解,于是他找到一位身经百战而不死的老飞行员,向他请教。   老飞行员说:“是什么道理,我也说不清。不如你和我一起挑几个小伙子看看。”桂尔福同意了。  第一个年轻人走进来。  “小伙子,如
麻婆豆腐源于四川,其特点是麻、辣、烫,因此不仅四川人爱吃, Mapo tofu originated in Sichuan, which is characterized by hemp, spicy, hot, so not only people in Sic