在与许多妈咪交流的过程中,我们发现,妈咪们最为关注的就是如何使宝宝尽早成才,希望能给她们一些具体的、实质性的帮助。说起来,家庭早期教育的确是一项系统工程,有些事惰并非三言两语就说得清楚。经过一番考虑,我想若向妈咪们推荐一些非常好的教子经验类的立章,通过身边这些活生生的教子实例,使妈咪们有所借鉴,得到一些灵感和思路,或许会达到一种触类旁通、曲径通幽的可喜效果。 在此,我们由衷地向华东交通大学母亲教育研究所致谢,通过《我们是这样教育孩子的》一书,使望子成龙的广大家长们轻轻松松地培养出好孩子!
In the process of communication with many mums, we found that Mommy most concern is how to make baby as soon as possible, hoping to give them some specific and substantive help. In speaking, early education for families is indeed a systematic project, and some things are not clearly stated in anecdotes. After some consideration, I would like to suggest some very good teaching methods to the mums. Through these living teaching examples around the godmothers, I would like the mums to draw some inspiration and train of thought which may reach one By-kind of bypass, winding effect of pleasant. Here, we sincerely thank the Institute of Mother Education, East China Jiaotong University, through the book “We are so educated children”, so that the majority of parents who hope to build their children easily cultivate a good boy!