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土地所有权被抽象化和土地使用权具体化是土地产权的一个重要特征,土地产权是所有权抽象化与使用权具体化的统一,源于土地产权的土地权利被抽象化与具体化已成为不可逆转的趋势。但农地产权的市场化流转、抵押权等具体化和土地所有权与处分权的相对分离有进一步加速土地权利抽象化与具体化分离的风险。为此,应通过明确法律意义上的集体土地所有权与实际意义上的集体土地使用权权利、正确处理国家、集体、个人之间的土地发展权益、夯实农民的土地财产权利、防止土地经营权对所有权和承包权的侵蚀等措施来防范集体土地权利抽象化与具体化对土地产权制度改革带来的潜在风险。 The abstraction of land ownership and the concretization of land use right are an important feature of land property right. Land property right is the unification of abstraction of ownership and the concretization of use right. The abstraction and concretization of the land right originating from land property right has become irreversible the trend of. However, the marketization of farmland property rights, the specificization of mortgage rights and the relative separation of land ownership from the right to dispose further accelerate the risk of abstracting and substantive separation of land rights. Therefore, we should correctly handle the rights and interests of land development between the state, the collective and the individual, consolidate the peasants’ land property right and prevent the land management right by clarifying the collective land ownership in the legal sense and the right of the collective land use right in the practical sense The erosion of ownership and contracting rights and other measures to prevent the abstraction and concretization of the collective land rights potential risks to the reform of the land property system.
AIM:To investigate the rates of polyp detection in a mixed risk population using standard definition (SDC) vs high definition colonoscopes (HDC).METHODS:This wa
[目的]探讨线粒体DNA控制区微卫星不稳定性(mitochondrial microsatellite instability,mtMSI)与肺癌的相关性。[方法]采用PCR-SSCP(PCR single-stranded conformation polym
摘 要第二课堂是高校育人体系中不可或缺的组成部分,有利于学生综合素质的提升,但学生伤害事件频频发生,给学生、家庭及学校带来多方面消极影响。高校作为主要的责任主体,基于安全保障义务,遵循过错推定原则在伤害事故中承担法律责任。对于因不可抗力、意外事件、受害人自身等原因导致的意外伤害,高校可以免责。  【关键词】高等学校;第二课堂;安全保障义务;过错推定责任;免责事由  在影响高校安全稳定的诸多因素中,
对使用有毒、有害原料进行生产或者在生产中排放有毒、有害物质的企业,国家将依法强制实施清洁生产审核.这是新近发布的《清洁生产审核暂行办法》规定的. For enterprises t
AIM:To evaluate the contribution of alcohol dehydrogenase-1B(ADH1B)and aldehyde dehydrogenase-2 (ALDH2)polymorphisms to the risk of esophageal cancer.METHODS:Ni