同志们,朋友们! 由意大利自动化包装和包装机械协会发起,中国包装进出口总公司,中国包装总公司、中国食品工业协会等单位承办的首届“意大利包装和加工机械设备展览会”将于1995年3月14日至18日在北京中国国际展览中心举行。为了通报展览会的具体情况,意大利客人今天专程来到上海举行新闻发布会,我谨代表上海市对外经济贸易委员会向远道来沪的客人和承办单位的同志们表示热烈的欢迎。
Comrades, friends! The first “Italian Packaging and Processing Machinery and Equipment Exhibition” sponsored by the Italian Association of Automatic Packaging and Packaging Machinery, China Packaging Import and Export Corporation, China Packaging Corporation, and China Food Industry Association will be held from March 14, 1995 to On the 18th at the China International Exhibition Center in Beijing. In order to inform the specific conditions of the exhibition, Italian guests made a special trip to Shanghai to hold a press conference today. On behalf of the Shanghai Foreign Economic Relations and Trade Commission, I would like to extend a warm welcome to the guests and comrades of the host organization who came to Shanghai from afar.