Dietary vitamin A,ascorbic acid and α-tocopherol affect the gonad development and reproductive perfo

来源 :Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xushaowei20092009
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The present trial was conducted with starry fl ounder Platichthys stellatus broodstock to evaluate the effects of dietary vitamin A,ascorbic acid,and α-tocopherol on the gonadal development and reproductive performance.8 000 IU/kg diet vitamin A(VA group),500 mg/kg diet ascorbic acid(Vcpp group),or 250 mg/kg diet α-tocopherol(α-TA group)was added into basal diet to create 3 vitamin experimental diets,respectively.Each diet was fed to 450 starry fl ounder broodstock for 104 days.Samples were collected weekly.The gonadosomatic index(GSI)of 3 vitamin experimental groups fi rst decreased and then increased.Maximum GSI of Vcpp group was higher than that of α-TA group but lower than that of VA group.The spawning periods of 3 vitamin experimental groups lasted 49,56,and 45 days,respectively.No mature eggs were observed in the control group during the trial.The absolute fecundity(AF)and relative fecundity(RF)of α-TA group was higher than that of Vcpp group but lower than that of VA group.The results suggest that different vitamins play different roles in the fi sh reproductive process.Vitamin A stimulated the maturation of the ovary,ascorbic acid prolonged the spawning period,and α-tocopherol affected the development of the eggs. The present trial was conducted with starry flounder Platichthys stellatus broodstock to evaluate the effects of dietary vitamin A, ascorbic acid, and α-tocopherol on the gonadal development and reproductive performance. 8 000 IU / kg diet vitamin A (VA group), 500 mg / kg diet ascorbic acid (Vcpp group), or 250 mg / kg diet α-tocopherol (α-TA group) was added into basal diet to create 3 vitamin experimental diets, respectively. Each diet was fed to 450 starry fl ounder broodstock for 104 days.Samples were collected weekly.The gonadosomatic index (GSI) of 3 vitamin experimental groups fi rst decreased and then increased. Maximum GSI of Vcpp group was higher than that of a-TA group but lower than that of VA group. spawning periods of 3 vitamin experimental groups lasted 49, 56, and 45 days, respectively. No mature eggs were observed in the control group during the trial. absolute fecundity (AF) and relative fecundity (RF) of α-TA group was higher than that of Vcpp group but lower than that of VA group. The results suggest that different vitamins play different roles in the fi sh reproductive process. Vitamin A stimulated the maturation of the ovary, ascorbic acid prolonged the spawning period, and α-tocopherol affected the development of the eggs.
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