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AFP的发现导致肝癌诊断的重大进展,但治疗方法仍不多,因此,实验性治疗正日益受重视。本文报道1979年12月至1981年7月诱发性和移植性大鼠肝癌模型(包括腹腔、皮下.肝内三种途径)所进行的对比研究和对裸鼠人体肝癌移植所进行的初步观察。供开展实验性治疗者选用鼠肝癌模型的参考。其中有关甲胎蛋白方面的结果将另文报告。 1.BERH-2移植性大鼠肝癌模型有易于复制、生存期短等优点可用于多种实验性治疗。奶油黄诱发性大鼠肝癌模型较近似人肝癌,故可用于肝癌发病机理等研究。2。BERH-2腹腔、皮下、肝内三种移植途径各有优缺点,肝内移植尤适用于肿瘤的局部治疗,值得进一步研究。3.人肝癌标本移植于裸鼠成功并传代者,其形态学观察及血清学检测均与原来人肝癌极为近似。 The discovery of AFP has led to significant advances in the diagnosis of liver cancer, but there are still few treatment methods, so experimental treatment is increasingly receiving attention. This article reported the comparative study of induced and transplanted rat liver cancer models (including intraperitoneal, subcutaneous and intrahepatic routes) from December 1979 to July 1981 and preliminary observations of human liver cancer transplantation in nude mice. For the purpose of conducting experimental therapies, use the rat liver cancer model as a reference. The results regarding alpha-fetoprotein will be reported separately. 1. The BERH-2 transplantable rat hepatoma model has the advantages of easy replication, short survival, etc. It can be used for a variety of experimental treatments. Cream yellow induced liver cancer model is similar to human liver cancer, it can be used for the study of the pathogenesis of liver cancer. 2. BERH-2 has three advantages, namely intraperitoneal, subcutaneous and intrahepatic transplantation. Intrahepatic transplantation is particularly suitable for local treatment of tumors and is worthy of further study. 3. The successful transplantation of human hepatoma specimens in nude mice and the passage of them, the morphological observation and serological detection are very similar to the original human liver cancer.
植物中萜类化合物的抗肿瘤活性,近来引起了国内外的重视。1967年 Hartwell 报导了有50种以上的倍半萜对多种肿瘤模型有抑制作用。1977年 Cordell 等报导了新分到的一些具有
在她心底一直有个很奢华的画面:一个气质优雅的女子,身着碎花旗袍,开着Jeep,听着喜欢的音乐,在或近或远的路上与相爱的人携手天涯…… In her heart has always been a very
指甲彩绘不稀奇,让身边的小物件跟你的指甲有着相同漂亮的色彩与图案才是真正的彩绘达人。我们来跟着吗妮老师一起学习! Nail painting is not surprising, so that the sma
顺铂(Cisplatin)是顺式二氯二氨铂 (Ⅱ)(Cis-dichloro-diaminoplatinum Ⅱ,Cis- DDP;CPDD;NSC-119875)的简称。1969年Rosenberg首次发现顺铂有强烈的抗癌活性。其后,一些国