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水资源短缺是制约中国农业生产安全的主要瓶颈,提高用水效率是节水型社会建设的根本要求,测度不同轮作模式、灌溉方式下的水稻灌溉用水效率,对于合理安排种植结构、选择节水模式、完善灌溉用水政策尤为重要。本文基于西南地区797份水稻种植户的调查数据,构建DEA-Tobit模型,测度和分析农户灌溉用水效率,探讨不同水旱轮作模式、灌溉方式对水稻灌溉用水效率的影响,并对变量中存在的内生性问题进行解决。结果表明:总体上水稻灌溉用水效率平均为0.1378,规模效率平均为0.5498,纯技术效率平均为0.2745,水资源利用改进空间较大;轮作作物经济收益大致与水稻灌溉用水效率呈显著性负相关,轮作方式节水效果与灌溉用水效率呈显著性正相关;水资源禀赋程度将水旱轮作模式对水稻灌溉用水效率的影响系数提高了0.10%,将灌溉方式的影响系数拉低了2.04%。提出因地制宜合理引导和安排“水旱轮作-灌溉方式”组合模式;平原地区强调规模化种植和区域性灌溉,山区注重集约化、精细化灌溉;根据作物生长周期合理安排灌溉用水行为等政策建议。 The shortage of water resources is the main bottleneck that restricts the agricultural production safety in China. Improving water use efficiency is the basic requirement of building a water-saving society, and measuring the water use efficiency of rice irrigation under different rotation patterns and irrigation patterns. , Improve irrigation water policy is particularly important. Based on the survey data of 797 rice planters in Southwest China, this paper constructs DEA-Tobit model, measures and analyzes the irrigation water efficiency of farmers, and discusses the effects of different rotation and rotation patterns and irrigation methods on rice irrigation water use efficiency. Endogenous problems to be solved. The results showed that the average irrigation water efficiency of paddy rice was 0.1378, the average of scale efficiency was 0.5498, the average of pure technical efficiency was 0.2745, and the utilization of water resources was more space for improvement. The economic benefits of crop rotation were roughly negatively correlated with rice water use efficiency, The water saving effect and irrigation water efficiency were significantly and positively correlated. The degree of water resource endowment increased the coefficient of influence of water and wind rotation on rice irrigation water efficiency by 0.10% and the irrigation coefficient lower by 2.04%. It is proposed to rationally guide and arrange the combination mode of “irrigating-irrigating-irrigating” according to the local conditions; emphasize the large-scale planting and regional irrigation in the plain area, emphasize intensive irrigation in the mountainous area, rationally arrange the irrigating water behavior according to the crop growth cycle and other policies Suggest.
随着我国广电建设事业发展速度的加快,对与之相关的工程建设规模扩大产生了积极影响。实践中为了增加数 字电视广播工程运行中的技术含量及优势,丰富其中的技术内涵,高效地完
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回 回 产卜爹仇贱回——回 日E回。”。回祖 一回“。回干 肉果幻中 N_。NH lP7-ewwe--一”$ MN。W;- __._——————》 砧叫]们羽 制作:陈恬’#陈川个美食 Back to yield