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辞职。从面试开始,我就不喜欢那家公司,因此一入职我就对朋友宣布:我待不长的,马上就去找新工作!但是说完那话,竟然有八年,一直待在那里没有动。在一家公司做久了,就好像是和老板结了婚。能走到一起,虽然不怎么喜欢,起初总是相互还能看得上。劳动和报酬,一方能给的,另一方愿意收的,大概相称。时间长了,我们这一对,越看对方越讨厌。劳资双方的感情破裂了,像一块地壳,受到挤压后一旦在某处断裂,绝对是拼不回去的。 resignation. Since the interview, I did not like that company, so as soon as I started my job, I announced to my friend that I was not a long man and that I immediately went looking for a new job! But after that I had eight years and stayed there without me move. For a long time in a company, it is like getting married with the boss. Can come together, although not very like, at first still always see each other. Labor and compensation, one can give, the other is willing to close, probably proportionate. A long time, our pair, the more you look at each other more annoying. The feelings of both employers and employees have burst, like a crust, crushed somewhere after being squeezed, it is absolutely impossible to go back.
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
一次,在人群前端排队借书的一女生问图书管理员:“老师,书库里有鲁迅吗?”图书管理员抬头看她一眼,小声说:“鲁迅要在里面,我还敢天天在这儿吗?” Once, a girl queuing to