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  Shannon and Christine were in Edinburgh—alone, well together, but without help and contacts—but at least they were safe, after their ordeal2 the night before when their hopes of getting a job in an Italian restaurant had been disappointed. The job search was still foremost in their minds. But for today they were free to relax and go sightseeing. Edinburgh, as the ancient capital of Scotland, is a wonderful place to do that.
  Shannon and I decided to head up to an area called the Royal Mile3. But first we found lockers4 at the train station where we could lock up our heavy backpacks. Ever trying to save money, we squashed5 both into one locker.
  The Royal Mile refers to a street about a mile long, crisscrossed6 by other important streets, where most of Edinburgh’s most beautiful buildings are situated. We started at the lower end at the Palace of HolyRoodHouse which is the official residence of the Queen when she is in Scotland.7 Then we headed uphill towards the end of the road, to Edinburgh Castle.8 Along the way were lovely old buildings, really ancient-looking but quite black in places, probably from centuries of pollution and smoke. We passed by and looked in St Margaret’s Chapel9, one of the oldest chapels in Scotland.
  There were two museums that we found very interesting. They were the Museum of Childhood and the People’s Story. Rather than being about important people and great historical events, they were about the lives of everyday people through history. The Children’s Museum with all its toys is described as the noisiest museum in the world. The People’s Story is about the lives lived by people in various jobs in Scotland, from fishwife to servant, and bookbinder to town crier.10 It also tells of the struggles people went through to fight for political rights and freedoms and so there are many old political banners and leaflets in the museum.11 The fact that entry to these museums was free showed us that the people must have won some rights as it was good to know that history and stories like these, through the museum, could be enjoyed by even the poor.12 And we certainly regarded ourselves as poor!
  We finally reached Edinburgh Castle right at the top of the hill. This imposing fortress can be seen for miles around and holds the Scottish crown jewels in the Crown Room.13 You can also see the coats of armour14 (symbolic pictures) of various leaders and families. I was thrilled to see that of the Elliott family as my mother’s family name was Elliott, and so we must have originated from Scotland before going to England at least a few hundred years before, and then to the new world. I decided paying the money to enter had been worth it!   From there we walked up another viewpoint named Carlton Hill. It was a lovely green and dramatic place with intriguing small ornamental buildings called follies.15 Follies are built in parks, purely to delight and fascinate people. There were also some monuments, the City Observatory and a graveyard.16 The graveyard was the most fascinating of all, walking among graves hundreds of years older than our country!
  Up Carlton Hill we met a group of people who were handing out leaflets calling for a referendum for a Scottish parliament.17 They did not want Scotland to be “ruled” by England anymore, they told us. They wanted a parliament to be elected by a fair voting system to represent all Scots18. In 1998 their goals were achieved.
  Suddenly it was getting dark and we needed to consider where we should stay—being on a zero budget didn’t leave us many options! How lucky we were because, as we sat there, pondering19 our fate, two young guys stopped by us and asked us what we were doing. They introduced themselves as Paul and James. They were brothers. You might think that we would be put off20 meeting strangers by our previous night’s experience, but these guys seemed innocent—and good fun too. They told us that they had lived in Edinburgh their entire lives, in a suburb just to the west called Newbridge.21 They invited us to come home to their place as it was getting colder and their mother was cooking pasta for supper! We needed no encouragement at all and were in the car in a minute to fetch our backpacks.
  Their home was a standard suburban terraced house (built in a row) but cozy,22 and their mother friendly and kind. She was indeed cooking supper and insisted that we stay to eat and sleep the night too. Their house seemed quite a centre for young people in the suburb and there were a number of older teens coming and going, laughing and talking loudly. I could not get used to the Edinburgh accent. Sometimes it was so difficult to understand, it seemed that they weren’t even speaking English!
  Paul and James told us that we would be having a party later. Shannon and I were thrilled. Well we would still come to realise that their idea of a party was a little different from ours. But we piled into23 the car with way too many others, and they drove up to the top of Carlton Hill, where they had met us, in the centre of Edinburgh, again. There they did a fast spin24 in the car, shouted out to someone in a nearby car, then headed back down the hill. There they got some petrol. And repeated the performance. Up the hill again, spin, shout at someone in another car, go down again and buy some food or a drink. Again and again. We did this for hours. I was bored out of my mind and nearly fell asleep in the car.   “Business?” Shannon asked, “What business?”
  “We have people selling posters all over the city—and Scotland in fact,”one answered. Shannon and I looked at each other with a huge smile.
  “Fancy that32,” I said. “That is EXACTLY the job that we are looking for!”
  Next month Shannon and Christine hit the heart of Glasgow with their three new Scottish friends: Ed, Alan and Terry. They both were thrilled about the prospect of work that could see them travelling around Scotland. The girls agreed that it was the best thing that had ever happened to them.
  1. Edinburgh: 爱丁堡,英国著名的文化古城,苏格兰首府;highlight: 最精彩(或最有趣、最突出)的部分。
  2. ordeal: 煎熬。
  3. Royal Mile: 皇家英里大道,是爱丁堡老城的中心大道,始于爱丁堡城堡,终于圣十字架宫,两旁小巷交错,构成了旧城的骨架。
  4. locker: 锁柜。
  5. squash: 硬塞,塞进。
  6. criss-cross: 交叉。
  7. Palace of HolyRoodHouse: 荷里路德宫,英女王来到苏格兰时的皇室住所,由詹姆斯五世于1498年所建;residence: 住处。
  8. uphill: 朝上坡方向;Edinburgh Castle: 爱丁堡城堡,爱丁堡的重要象征,是重要的皇家住所和国家行政中心,位于死火山顶的花岗岩上,从那里可以俯瞰整个城市。
  9. St Margaret’s Chapel: 圣玛格丽特礼拜堂,位于爱丁堡城堡内,建于12世纪,是爱丁堡现存最古老的建筑。
  10. bookbinder: 书籍装订工;town crier:(过去的)街头公告员。
  11. banner: 横幅;leaflet: 传单。
  12. 这些博物馆让人免费参观的事实正说明人民一定是已经赢得了某些权利;我们也高兴地知道,即便是穷人也可以通过博物馆去了解这些历史和掌故。
  13. imposing: 壮观的;fortress: 城堡;crown jewels: 镶嵌珠宝代表王权的王冠、权杖或其他珍贵的物品。
  14. armour: 盔甲。
  15. intriguing: 有趣的;ornamental: 装饰性的;folly:(没有实际用途而)只能作为装饰的建筑。
  16. monument: 纪念碑;observatory: 天文台;graveyard: 墓地。
  17. referendum: 公民投票;Scottish parliament: 苏格兰议会,是1997年以權力下放方式成立的单院制苏格兰地方议会。
  18. Scots: 苏格兰人。
  19. ponder: 思考。
  20. put sb. off: 使失去兴趣(或热情)。
  21. suburb: 郊区;Newbridge: 纽布里奇,英国地名。
  22. terraced house: 排屋中的一栋房屋;cozy: 温暖舒适的。
  23. pile into: 挤进。
  24. spin: 旋转,此处指车掉头。
  25. Glasgow: 格拉斯哥,苏格兰最大城市,英国第三大城市。
  26. head off: 到另一个地方去。
  27. lass: 小姑娘。
  28. hitchhike: 搭便车。
  29. protester: 抗议者。
  30. pull up: 停下,停住。
  31. lean out: 把(上身或头)探出;check up: 调查,检查。
  32. fancy that: 真想不到。
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