常摘常新 别有韵味——人民日报海外版《文萃》读后

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人民日报·海外版的《文萃》,在全国众多的文摘报刊中(包括报纸的文摘版),具有它自己的风格和特色,犹如“一枝”“出墙来”的“红杏”,别有韵味。两年来,《文萃》推出了4700多篇较为精致的文摘,字数达330万之多,向海内外广大读者提供了较为丰富的有益于身心健康的精神食粮。《文萃》以其精选精编的编辑作风,赢得和扩大了读者。据说《文萃》的人手很少,负担的工作量却很大,运转的节奏又很快。在这种情况下,《文萃》能够编出较高的水平,并且办出特色,确实不容易。这其中蕴含和体现着一种令人钦佩的编辑的劳动和精神。 The People’s Daily Overseas edition of “Wencui” has its own style and characteristics in many digests and newspapers (including the abstract version of the newspaper) of the country. It is like an “apricot” with “ Have flavor. In the past two years, ”Wencui“ has launched more than 4,700 exquisite abstracts with more than 3.3 million words, providing a wealth of spiritual food for both physical and mental health to readers at home and abroad. ”Wencui“ with its selection of fine editing style, won and expand the readers. It is said that ”literary extracts“ have very few manpower, a heavy workload, and a very fast pace of operation. In this case, ”literary" can be compiled to a higher level, and do not have the features, it really is not easy. This contains and embodies an admirable editorial work and spirit.
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