The analysis of effective teaching methods on enhancing students’ proficiency

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  Introduction of the information
  The pedagogical strategies may various, such as co-teaching, group discussion, educational game, role-playing, and some other kinds of methods. After classes, students can surf on the internet along with their teaching materials. The teachers may post some subject-related questions to the teaching activities with some supplemental materials. After comparing difference-in-differences teaching methods, we may draw an idea that the teaching methods should be developed in the following patterns: teachers’ training and supervision, textbooks’ revolution and structuring of curriculum content.
  Feedback from co-teaching method
  The co-teaching method includes pair work, group work, role-play and so on. We always say that to teach students how to study rather than only transfer the knowledge to the students in an efficiency way. Transfer knowledge to students may help the learners to absorb the points summarized by the teachers or instructors. The popular methods from co-teaching method are team work and role-play. Team work is the one which organize students to discuss and observe the experiential inside a group or team.
  The method of role-play usually operated after the reading text, as American scholars, who mentioned that role-play is the one of the best teaching methods. Through role-play, the abstract knowledge turns to be more flexible and active. The benefits of choosing teaching method of role-play, which motivate students’ activities, stimulate their interests of participation, as well as enhance their ability in considering knowledge not only on vocabulary, but also social relationships.
  The classification of co-teaching method includes station teaching, one teach, parallel teaching, alternative teaching and team teaching. No matter which kind of co-teaching method used in an actual classroom situation, the balance between the teachers and students should be considered at the beginning of the lesson. Teachers should be paid much attention to the communication between students, especially for some group discussion on the open questions.
  The advantage of pursing co-teaching method in the classroom situation includes approach students’ ability in collaborating their friendships or partnerships. To which aspect to allocate the method of co-teaching, the former one may direct students to inform the knowledge and acknowledge the pathway of studying. Inside a group discussion, students try to predict the relationship ahead, such as conflicts and negotiation. Teachers ought to teach learners as a whole, in order to transfer the correct directions to others.   Feedback from educational games
  The traditional teaching method is to control students to attend the class, listening to an experienced teacher’s speech. Form collecting data through making questionnaires on analyzing different teaching methods, it is obviously demonstrated the existing challenges for using educational games. Most of people support the idea of using the educational games in the actual classroom situation, due to this method could arouse students’ interest in gaining knowledge continually.
  Table 1: Analyzing the teaching methods among traditional teaching method, co-teaching and educational games
  From analyzing the traditional teaching method in our classroom situation, especially in teaching listening and speaking, the audio or video materials have a positive effect on transferring knowledge. Based on the Table 1 above, the data collecting from the questionnaires and interviews, about 99% and 97% interviewees agreed the co-teaching and educational games are suitable for students’ practicing their listening and speaking. Moreover, it may also need to alone with the well-designed games in teaching listening and speaking.
  There are an increasing number of scholars suggested to motivate students’ interests in studying English through exploring the benefits of educational games. The survey we discussed above which represent the challenges from designing educational games and implementation. In terms of this, the purpose of this report mainly focuses on evaluating how to design the educational games in order to deliver a positive learning outcome. In a board sense, the games used in education, refers to not just playing games that its purposes beyond pure entertainment (Backlund and Hendrix, 2014).
  Even though plenty kinds of educational games have been developed by the researchers, few of the educational games have been implemented. In other words, this point can be considered as a shortage of educational games. Moreover, it may appear the facts that the bias existed in today’s society, especially for the local education environments. In addition, both teachers and instructors have to pay attention to make a balance between the games and education.
高三政治课的二轮复习一般从3月中旬到5月中旬,只有短短2个月时间,但复习的任务重,在高考备考的三个环节中起着承上启下的作用,也是提高学生学科能力的关键时期。有限的时间,无数的知识,使学生身心疲惫。我们应该怎么进行二轮复习呢?我们的策略应该是用重点论的方法进行二轮复习。  重点论的方法要求我们在政治二轮复习中要分清主次,把握重点。学生能力提高的主阵地应放在课堂上;在训练试题的选择上要以高考题为主;在
一、围绕风景,自主寻美  师:通过上一节课的学习,我们知道搭石头构成了家乡的一道风景。这节课就让我们跟随着家乡的人们一块去寻找搭石的美吧。  师:请大家默读2-4自然段,用波浪线划出家乡人们走搭石的相关语句,再想一想那是一幅怎样的画面。(生默读、圈划)  [阅读是学生的个性化行为,学生对文本是怎么理解,是他们自己体验出来的,而不是靠老师去讲解、去告诉和琐碎的追问得到的。此环节,教师只是用一个引领的
一、现状分析  我校地处农村,现有学生500人,拥有教师26人,虽然在当地也算是规模不小的农村完小,但对我校各阶段数学课堂教学现状进行调研,发现,数学课堂教学仍存在不容乐观的现状,课堂气氛比较呆板,老师的创新精神不够强,课堂自主探索积极性不够高,虽在赛教中也使用了课件等现在先进的手段,但大多流于形式,為上课而上课,平时的课,还是缺乏创新精神,新的理念不能贯穿课堂,主要表现为:学生提问题、自主学习的
一、农村留守儿童现状  随着社会的发展,在我农村产生了一个特殊的群体——留守儿童。所谓“留守儿童”是指父母双方或一方外出到城市打工,而自己留在农村生活的孩子们。他们一般与自己的父亲或母亲中的一人,或者与上辈亲人,其他亲戚、朋友一起生活。我在自己所带班级做了个调查,全班45名学生,留守儿童42名,所占比例高达93.3%,其中双亲外出占74.3%。大部分由祖辈抚养,一部分孩子被托付给亲戚、朋友,甚至还
变革时代成功校长应具有丰富的理论素养如下。  一、全新的教育观念  当前正处在变革时代、教育教学改革不断深化的时候,教育观念的转变和更新是校长理论素养的第一体现。在成功校长的思维中,学校决不只是一个空间的概念。学校负载着人类文明和文化的承续和发展,也承载着人类的理想和希望。校长丰富的理论素养,是体现在教育理念的追求之中,这就是学校的素质教育。教育的本义与原义就是开发人的创造潜能,培养人具有的、全面
语文课堂教学改革的重点和当务之急是正确处理“导”与“学”的关系,切实抓好学生主体地位的落实,从而提高语文课堂教学效率。现就我自己的经验谈谈初中语文课堂教学的一些经验体会。  一、创建和谐高效课堂,加大课堂容量  (一)更新观念,上出语文好滋味  改变学生评价观念,矫正学科角色异位。表扬和激励是世上听之不厌的最美的语言。强烈的学习兴趣、良好的读写习惯、独特的文化体验和不竭的创造激情才是最为珍贵的语文
《幼儿园教育指导纲要》中指出:“幼儿园应为幼儿提供健康、丰富的生活和活动环境,满足他们多方面发展的需要,使他们在快乐的童年生活中获得有益于身心发展的经验。”“教育内容、要求能兼顾群体需要和个体差异,使每个幼儿都能得到发展,都有成功感。”那么,围绕《纲要》的实施,在具体操作中如何改革幼儿园教育活动形式,将教育思想和观念转换为具体的教育行为,我们的认识如下。  一、正确理解幼儿的活动区活动  所谓活动
一、创建校园足球文化,激发学生足球热情  足球运动对青少年学生有着独特魅力和综合教育功能,通過校园足球活动的开展,能够带动校园体育活动、体育艺术“2+1”活动、“阳光体育运动”的进一步发展。校园足球活动不只是一种单纯的体育活动,多少年来,足球运动作为一种强身健体的运动发挥着它兴国兴邦的政治作用,而今的校园足球更具有校园足球的四大功能:即足球育人、足球健体、足球聚力、足球强校。我们充分的发挥着校园足