Revisiting the Meaning of Requirements

来源 :计算机科学技术学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zzbluebus
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Understanding the meaning of requirements can help elicit the real world requirements and refine their specifications. But what do the requirements of a desired software mean is not a well-explained question yet though there are many software development methods available. This paper suggests that the meaning of requirements could be depicted by the will-to-be environments of the desired software, and the optative interactions of the software with its environments as well as the causal relationships among these interactions. This paper also emphasizes the necessity of distinguishing the extal manifestation from the intal structure of each system component during the process of requirements decomposition and refinement. Several decomposition strategies have been given to support the continuous decomposition. The extal manifestation and the intal structure of the system component have been defined. The roles of the knowledge about the environments have been explicitly described. A simple but meaningful example embedded in the paper illustrates the main ideas as well as how to conduct the requirements decomposition and refinement by using these proposed strategies.
酒,若用之得当,既能驱寒健身,又能加深友谊;若用之不当,好事也会变成坏事 有几家蜂场春繁时相距不远,闲时养成了相互喝酒的习惯。今天吴某请喝酒,明天王某处摆酒摊,后天又去张某处
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