
来源 :音乐创作 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luoyanxiang
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有着中国独特的音乐语言的曲目,数量实在是数不胜数。所谓有着中国独特之说,意指并非全部作品。因为也有相当数量的作品已经全然或基本全然被西化了的。无论是音调、和声及曲式都已紧随西后,我们讲的不是那一部分的作品,我们讲的是那些运用了具有独特的中国审美情趣而进行创作的音乐作品。这些作品中有着中国其他姊妹艺术所共有的情感、意境和神韵。本文通过与西方音乐的比较,较全面地论述了中国音乐除了表现情感之外,还有它的最高审美标准——韵。这是以往极少有人在此基础上作过深入而详细的论述的,笔者希望通过本文能为中国音乐的发展做出应有的贡献。 The number of tracks that have Chinese unique musical language is countless. The so-called unique Chinese saying means not all works. Because there are a considerable number of works have been completely or basically completely Westernized. Whether it is the tone, the harmony and the music are all close to the West, we are not talking about the part of the work. We are talking about the works of music that have been created using unique Chinese aesthetic taste. These works have the same emotions, moods and charm shared by other Chinese sister arts. By comparing with western music, this article discusses the comprehensiveness of Chinese music in addition to expressing emotion, as well as its highest aesthetic standard, rhyme. This is the very last few people have done in-depth and detailed discussion on this basis, I hope this article can make due contributions to the development of Chinese music.