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一个企业的高效管理离不开科学的分工,但是如何在分工的基础上实现1+1>2的效果,还需要企业良好的协同能力来支撑。建立在科学的分工和高效的协作基础上的管理就是协同管理。随着新一轮电力体制改革不断深化,电网企业亟需尽快从依赖电量高速增长的外延发展方式向质量效益型的内涵发展方式转变,在“瘦身健体、提质增效”的管理新要求下,如何通过提升企业内部协同管理能力,以期达到降本增效、提质升级的目标。本文基于“五位一体”业务流程协同机制,针对电网企业“三集五大”体系加强内部运营,提升企业协同效率,进行了系统性研究和创新性思考,提出实施战略、组织、文化、队伍、信息等要素的一体化协同体系建设,以期能推动企业持续稳定发展。 Efficient management of an enterprise can not be separated from the scientific division of labor, but how to achieve the effect of 1 + 1> 2 on the basis of division of labor, but also need good business collaboration ability to support. Management based on scientific division of labor and efficient collaboration is collaborative management. With the deepening of the new round of power system reform, power grid enterprises urgently need to shift from the extension development mode that depends on the rapid growth of power consumption to the connotation development mode of quality and benefit as soon as possible. In the management of “downsizing, improving health and improving efficiency” Under the new requirements, how to achieve the goal of lowering costs and increasing efficiency, upgrading and upgrading through enhancing the internal management capacity of enterprises? Based on the “five in one ” business process collaboration mechanism, for the power grid enterprise “three sets of five ” system to strengthen internal operations and enhance the efficiency of business collaboration, conducted a systematic study and innovative thinking, put forward the implementation strategy, organization, Culture, team, information and other elements of the synergy of synergistic system, with a view to promote sustainable and stable development of enterprises.
AIM To ascertain the prognostic role of the T4 and N2 category in stageⅢpancreatic cancer according to the 8th edition of the American Joint Committee on Cance
AIM To provide an updated assessment of the safety and efficacy of enhanced recovery after surgery(ERAS)protocols in elective gastric cancer(GC)surgery.METHODS
电网工程中对配电变压器,容器以及其他配套技术的要求都较为严格。同时,在设计配电网络时,也要考虑到农网的可行性。所以,本文以农村电网中的10k V配电变压器为例,分析农村电