在我国古典诗歌中,咏柳之诗代有名作,传诵不衰。其中推为绝唱者,当属明代杨慎的《柳》诗。杨慎(1488—1559),字用修,号升庵,四川新都人。明正德六年(1511)试进士第一,授翰林修撰,嘉靖时任经筵讲官,因为人率直,犯颜直谏,被明世宗廷杖谪戍云南永昌,死于贬所。杨氏博闻强记,著述极富,有明一代无出其右者。其诗深受六朝影响,取法有别于前后七子,格不甚高,而清新流丽。沈德潜说他“于李何诸子外,拔戟自成一队,随题赋形,一空依傍”(《说诗(日卒)语》)。《柳》诗堪称其代表作。 “垂杨垂柳绾芳年,飞絮飞花媚远天”。首联用拟人化的手法,通过外在
In our classical poetry, Wing Liu’s poems on behalf of a masterpiece, pass recite not bad. Which push for the singer, when the Ming Dynasty Yang Shen “Liu” poem. Yang Shen (1488-1559), the word used to repair, No. Luan Um, Sichuan Xindu. Ming Zhengde six years (1511) first trial of jinshi, Professor Hanlin Xiuzhe, Jiajing when the feast talked about officer, because the people straight, guilty of Yen straight remonstrance, Ming Shizong Tingzhang Shu Yushu Yongchang, died of devaluation. Young Bo Wenqiang remember, writing is very rich, there is no generation out of the right generation. His poem is deeply influenced by the Six Dynasties. The method is different from the seven sons, which are not very high and fresh and beautiful. Shen Deqian said he “in addition to Lee Ho Ching-child, Ji Ji self-formed team, with the topic shaped, empty one by one” (“Saying (Dad) language”). “Liu” poem called its representative. “Vertical weeping willows 绾 Fang years, flying fluttering fluttering Fei Yuan days.” The first joint use of anthropomorphic techniques, through the external