
来源 :金秋 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hqxt2009
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7月的夜晚,西安曲江音乐厅,一场由陕西省总工会举办的大型交响音乐会正在上演。一曲《走上唐古拉》的大合唱震撼了观众,海浪般美妙的和声像一股强劲的冲击波,霎时,台下静得出奇——一阵雷鸣般的掌声过后,人们纷纷惊叹:专业水平!不同凡响!其实,唱歌的是一支由中老 July night, Xi’an Qujiang Concert Hall, a large symphony concert organized by the Shaanxi Provincial Federation of Trade Unions is being staged. A song “On Tangula” chorus shocked the audience, the sea waves wonderful and like a strong shock wave, instant, the audience was still surprisingly quiet - after a thunderous applause, people have amazing: professional level! Different Where the ring! In fact, singing is a middle-aged
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棉花“茎腐病”这一中文名称早已被人引用,但病原菌却不相同。戴芳澜等(1958)记载棉属(Gossypium SP.) “茎腐病”病原为Macrophominaphaseoli(Maubl.)Ashby;沈其益(1937)、
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