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农业环境质量恶化、农产品污染严重,不仅制约农业的可持续发展,影响我国农产品的国际竞争力,而且危害人的身体健康和生命安全。今年春节期间,根据农业部的安排,有关部门对昆明市八大农贸市场的白菜、花菜、西红柿、香蕉、苹果、柑桔采集了48个样品,对样品中农药敌敌畏、马拉硫磷、对硫磷进行了检测分析,结果表明,蔬菜样品中农药残留的超标率达到54.2%;水果样品中的超标率为37.5%。农业部在收集了各省、市、自治区的调查结果之后,上报国务院.引起国务院领导的高度重视。之后农业部召集了湖北、山东、吉林、云南4省农业环保站站长会议,提出了加强农业环境保护、提高农产品质量的措施。云南省环保站提出,将定期对昆明市场蔬菜的农药残留情况进行监测。今年4月,云南省农业厅在给省政府办公厅的报告中提出,建设无公害农产品开发工程。即通过建立无公害农产品基地,进行环境质量评价和农产品质量检测,建立无公害农产品生产、加工、销售服务体系,提高农产品的产量和质量,增加农民收入。现已制定并 The deteriorating agricultural environment and the serious pollution of agricultural products not only restrict the sustainable development of agriculture and affect the international competitiveness of China’s agricultural products, but also endanger the health and safety of people. During the Spring Festival this year, according to the arrangement of the Ministry of Agriculture, relevant departments collected 48 samples of cabbage, cauliflower, tomato, banana, apple and citrus in the eight markets of Kunming. The pesticides such as dichlorvos, malathion and sulfur Phosphorus were detected and analyzed. The results showed that the exceeding rate of pesticide residues in vegetable samples reached 54.2% and that in fruit samples was 37.5%. After collecting the findings of the provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions, the Ministry of Agriculture submitted the report to the State Council, arousing great attention from the leaders of the State Council. Later, the Ministry of Agriculture convened a meeting of owners of agricultural environmental protection stations in Hubei, Shandong, Jilin and Yunnan provinces and proposed measures to strengthen the protection of agricultural environment and improve the quality of agricultural products. Environmental Protection Station in Yunnan Province proposed that pesticide residues in vegetables will be regularly monitored in Kunming market. In April this year, Yunnan Provincial Department of Agriculture submitted a report to the general office of the provincial government to set up a pollution-free agricultural product development project. The establishment of pollution-free agricultural products base through environmental quality assessment and quality inspection of agricultural products, pollution-free agricultural products to establish production, processing and sales service system to improve the output and quality of agricultural products and increase farmers’ income. Now developed and
“西安陈墨的自制飞机工程”  有时候,点燃梦想可能就是那点不经意的小火苗。2011年暑假,读大一的陈墨无意间在电视上看到飞行爱好者杨伟民自组飞机并试飞成功的报道,这对于从小就渴望飞上蓝天的陈墨而言,如同注入一剂强心针。当天晚上,他梦到自己变成一只鸟,翱翔在天空,自由自在。  第二天醒来后,陈墨决定自己也要造一架飞机。说做就做,陈墨马上在网上四处搜集相关资料。原来杨伟民是国内第一位组装并试飞成功美国
《吉林省人民代表大会常务委员会人事任免工作条例》经吉林省第九届人民代表大会常务委员会第二十六次会议于2001年9月29日修订通过,现予公布施行。 The Regulations on th
经过十五年的艰苦谈判,我国加入 WTO 终于在多哈会议上一锤定音。加入 WTO,既是我国经济生活中的一件大事,也是我国政治生活中一件的大事。它的影响将会由内而外,辐射到我国