
来源 :重庆医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chungpy
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患者女,30岁,已婚,农民,1993年6月入院。患者于1986年2月顺产一男婴,产后自觉腹部恢复欠佳,疑腹内有水,经某县医院B超检查,诊断为“肝硬化腹水”。口服利尿剂等多种治疗达6~7年,腹部无变化,仍能从事田间劳动。入院前3月,伴讷差,疲乏,会阴及双下肢逐渐水肿,行动困难。1993年6月在某县医院作腹腔穿刺,抽出“脓液”,以“原发性腹膜炎”转入我院消化科。病中无盗汗低热史,无厌食厌油及黄染史,亦无外伤及腹痛史,大小便正常。查体:T37.6℃,R22次/分,P86次/分,BP14/9kPa,慢性消瘦病容,营养欠佳,皮肤粘膜无黄染,未见蜘蛛痣,心肺正常。蛙状腹,腹壁静脉不怒张,腹围115cm,体重48kg,右下腹轻度压痛,肝脾未扪及,腹 The patient was a 30-year-old married woman who was admitted to the hospital in June 1993. In February 1986, the patient gave birth to a baby boy. The postpartum self-consciously had poor abdominal recovery. There was water in the suspect’s abdomen. After a B-ultrasound examination in a county hospital, the patient was diagnosed with “cirrhosis ascites.” Oral diuretics and other treatment for 6 to 7 years, no change in the abdomen, can still work in the field. In March, before hospitalization, she was accompanied by anorexia, fatigue, gradual edema of the perineum and both lower extremities, and her movement was difficult. In June 1993, a paracentesis was performed in a county hospital to pull out the “pus” and transfer it to the Department of Gastroenterology in our hospital with “primary peritonitis.” There was no night sweats, no fever history, no anorexia, no oil, no history of yellowing, no history of trauma and abdominal pain, and normal urine and urine. Physical examination: T37.6°C, R22 beats/min, P86 beats/min, BP14/9kPa, chronic weight loss, poor nutrition, no yellow skin and mucous membrane, no spider mite, normal heart and lung. Frog-shaped abdomen, abdominal wall veins are not engorged, abdominal circumference 115cm, weight 48kg, mild tenderness in the right lower abdomen, liver and spleen not palpable, abdominal
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048 垂体腺瘤的发生与年龄和性别的关系[英]/MindermannT…∥ClinEndocrinol.-1994,41.-359~364为了探讨年龄和性别与垂体腺瘤的关系,作者对1969年1月~1993年6月24.5年间经外科手术证实为垂体腺瘤的2... 048 The relationship between the occu