
来源 :新疆医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luckyxiaoxi
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宫内节育器(IVD)是我国育龄妇女主要避孕措施之一,母体乐宫内节育器为一种具有高新技术的宫内节育器,它具有使用方便、不受年龄限制、不影响哺乳、避孕效果好和副作用小等优点,自IVD问世以来,在结构性能,材料等各方面均有不少改进和发展。特别是活性IVD的出现和铜面积的增加,使得避孕效果提高到一个新的水平,以解决近年来因IVD高脱落率及高代器妊娠率导致人流居高不下的被动局面,因此新型IVD得到广泛应用。在新型IVD中,母体乐含 IUD is one of the main contraception measures for women of childbearing age in our country. The mother’s IUD is a high-tech intrauterine device. It is easy to use, free from age restriction, does not affect breastfeeding, and contraception Good effect and small side effects, etc. Since the advent of IVD, many improvements and developments have been made in structural performance and materials. In particular, the emergence of reactive IVD and copper area increase the effectiveness of contraception to a new level so as to solve the passive situation of high population IVD caused by high IVD rate and high pregnancy rate in recent years. Therefore, the new IVD widely used. In the new IVD, the parental music contains
[摘要]  歌唱是通过化谱为声的过程来使欣赏者产生审美体验的重要环节,起着搭建从立美到审美的桥梁作用。论文从音乐美学的视角出发,试图解决在声乐教学过程中重声轻情的问题。如何使学生在作为二度创作的表演环节中既能唱出感情又可体现声音的技术性,并自觉的将感情投入与声音结合,做到声情统一,是文章重点论述与解决的问题。  [关键词]  声乐教学;唱声兼唱情;美学视角;二度创作;歌唱  中图分类号:J601文
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