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数学教育团队中有两位战友有幸参加2012年重庆高考数学(文)阅卷,在批阅填空题的过程中感受颇多,尽管填空题的批改被视作最简单、最机械的部分,但没有过程的孤立结果却发人深思,尤其是面对千姿百态、五花八门的答案,不禁让人探索错误背后的缘由.其中,填空题最后一道(15题)尤为引人入胜,题干如下:某艺校在一天的6节课中随机安排语文、数学、外语三门文化课和其它三门艺术课各1节,则在课表上的相邻两节文化课之间至少间隔1节艺术课的 There are two comrades in the mathematics education team who are fortunate enough to participate in the math (text) marking of Chongqing’s college entrance examination in 2012. They feel a lot during the process of reviewing the fill-in-blank questions. Although the correction of fill-in-blank is regarded as the simplest and most mechanical part, there is no process Of the isolated results are thought-provoking, especially in the face of a variety of forms, a wide variety of answers, can not help but make people explore the reason behind the error, of which the last one (20 questions) is particularly fascinating, the following: a art school in a day 6 classes randomly arranged language, math, foreign language three courses and three other arts courses each one, then in the schedule of two adjacent cultural classes at least one interval of arts classes
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