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长期以来,昂贵的药价让许多人一提起看病就胆战心惊。人们怀疑是否药有所值,也猜忌医生有没有腐败,病人身病,心更痛。在今年召开的全国人大政协十届二次会议上,代表、委员们呼吁,应该从提高医务人员待遇,充分体现“医”的价值入手,彻底实行医药分开核算、分开管理,全面改革以药养医的做法,并对药品定价进行严格审核,必要时举行价格听证会。代表、委员们认为,药品是特殊商品,其价格很难通过市场进行自然调节,必须依靠国家从制度上对现行的药品生产和流通体制进行改革,靠法律和法规加以调整,制止药价“虚高”现象,不要让百姓身病、心更痛。有舆论说,药品定价过程缺少一套有效的药品成本审核办法,是造成药价“虚高”的源头。按理说药品合理价格并不难确定,药品价格本应由产品的实际生产成本加上药厂、批发公司和医院、药店的合理利润构成,但是由于利益驱动,有关部门基本是按药厂自己提供的申报资料来核定药价,容易形成“虚高”药价。为了生存,药品市场的竞争早已不是单纯的质量与品种的竞争,而更多地是折扣高低的竞争。要想你的药能进医院、药店,就非得把本来只有1元钱的出厂价报到10元、20元,以留下更多的回扣空间吸引医院。于是就出现了价格越高越好卖的这种有悖于市场竞争规律的怪现象。 For a long time, expensive drug prices have made many people frightened when they mention the doctor. People are skeptical about whether or not they have value for money, and they also suspect that the doctor has no corruption, the patient is ill, and the heart is in more pain. At the second session of the 10th session of the National People’s Congress’s Political Consultative Conference this year, representatives and committee members called for improving the treatment of medical personnel and fully embodying the value of “medicine,” and thoroughly implement separate accounting and separate management of medicines. The practice of medicine, and the strict review of drug pricing, if necessary, held a price hearing. Representatives and committee members believe that medicines are special commodities and their prices are difficult to regulate naturally through the market. They must rely on the state to reform the current system for the production and distribution of medicines, rely on laws and regulations, and stop the price of drugs. The phenomenon of “high”, do not let people get sick and heart hurts. Some media have said that the lack of an effective drug cost review method in the drug pricing process is the source of the drug’s “false high” price. It is reasonable to say that the reasonable price of drugs is not difficult to determine. The price of drugs should be composed of the actual production cost of the product plus the reasonable profits of pharmaceutical companies, wholesale companies, hospitals, and pharmacies. However, due to interest-driven, the relevant departments are basically provided by the pharmaceutical companies themselves. The filing data to verify the drug price, it is easy to form “virtual” drug prices. In order to survive, the competition in the pharmaceutical market has long been not merely a competition of quality and variety, but more of a discount. If you want your medicine to enter a hospital or pharmacy, you have to report the ex-factory price of only 1 yuan to 10 yuan and 20 yuan to leave more rebate space to attract the hospital. So there is a strange phenomenon that the higher the price, the better sell it, which is contrary to the laws of market competition.
在中国诸多的商业流派中,潮汕人是较为独特的一支。 在广东,凡有商品批发和零售的地方,就有潮汕商人。尤其是做中小生意的潮汕人,更像天上落下的雨水,散布、渗进大地的各个
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