
来源 :毛泽东邓小平理论研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:justdoitterry
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自改革开放以来,邓小平在强调坚持物质文明建设与精神文明建设要两手抓,两手都要硬的同时,一再强调制度建设的重要性,指出“最重要的是一个制度问题”,“制度是决定因素”.他还深刻地总结了我党过去的历史经验,指出“我们过去发生的各种错误,固然与某些领导人的思想、作风有关,但是组织制度、工作制度方面的问题更重要.这些方面的制度好可以使坏人无法任意横行,制度不好可以使好人无法充分做好事,甚至会走向反面.”他这样讲“不是说个人没有责任,而是说领导制度、组织制度问题更带有根本性、全局性、稳定性和长期性.这种制度问题,关系到党和国家是否改变颜色,必须引起全党的高度重视.”近些年来,我们在制度文明建设方面,虽也取得了一定的成绩,但和其他方面比较起来,还远不适应形势发展的需要,这恐怕正是目前某些社会问题难以得到根治,社会腐败现象难以有效遏制的重要原因之一,因此,紧密结合改革和发展实践,加强制度文明建设的问题,“必须引起全党的高度重视”. Since the reform and opening up, Deng Xiaoping emphasized the importance of institution building while emphasizing that we should adhere to the two principles of building material civilization and building spiritual civilization. He pointed out that “the most important issue is one system.” “The system is the decision Factor. ”He also profoundly summed up our party’s past historical experience and pointed out that“ all the mistakes of our past are related to the thinking and style of some leaders. However, the problems concerning the organizational system and the working system are even more important. ” These systems are so good that the bad guys can not run rampant and the bad ones can make good people unable to do their job well or even go the wrong way. “He does not mean that an individual is not responsible but that the system of leadership and organizational system is even more problematic Have a fundamental, overall, stable and long-term nature. ”This institutional issue, which concerns the party and the state whether they change color or not, must arouse great attention from the entire party.“ Although we have also made progress in the institutional civilization in recent years, Some achievements, but compared with other aspects, but also far from meet the needs of the development of the situation, it is probably difficult to get some of the current social problems Radical, one of the important reasons is difficult to effectively curb corruption in society and, therefore, in close connection with the practice of reform and development, strengthening the construction of a system of civilization, ”must attach great importance to the whole party."
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