
来源 :临床儿科杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zxh1372226
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本文采用Low Shear-30流变测定仪研究211例健康儿童的血液粘弹特性,测定指标共10项,确立了小儿正常值。从不同年龄分析,除新生儿期呈血高粘滞状态外,其余儿童均呈血低粘滞状态。从性别分析,10岁以下小儿各指标参数无男女差异,10岁以上开始出现性别差异。以上血液流变学变化,与儿童时期的生长发育、解剖生理特点相适应。 In this paper, Low Shear-30 rheometer was used to study the blood viscoelastic properties of 211 healthy children, the determination of a total of 10 indicators to establish the normal children. Analysis from different ages, in addition to high blood viscosity in the neonatal state, the other children were low blood viscosity state. From the gender analysis, the indicators of children under the age of 10 have no gender differences in the indicators, 10 years of age began to show gender differences. The above changes in blood rheology, and childhood growth and development, anatomical and physiological characteristics to adapt.
The calculation of the complex matrixes in odd triangular symmetry was accomplished.The configurations of the coordination unit with various triangular symmetri
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伤寒性肾炎即伤寒性并发肾损害,是伤寒病人一种非特异性的可逆性炎症病变,发生率一般为 2~3%,少数可达12.5%,现将我院及市二院传染科1980年1月~1991年12月收治的321例伤寒中有
According to the latest Journal Citation Report 2004 (JCR 2004) published by Institute for Scientific Information (ISI, USA), we are greatly pleased to announc