
来源 :中国文物科学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gaolch014
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深圳铁仔山古墓群出土铁器由于受到出土前的埋藏环境、库房保存条件等因素的影响,以及出土后未及时采取有效的保护措施,致使铁器锈蚀严重。为了延长这些铁质文物的寿命,减少其腐蚀损毁,本工作采用显微镜观察、密度法判断、硝酸银定性分析、X射线衍射和X射线荧光能谱等分析方法对铁器锈蚀状况进行了综合分析。结果表明:铁仔山古墓群出土铁器矿化严重,锈蚀产物主要包括针铁矿、纤铁矿、赤铁矿、大量黏土矿物及可溶盐。通过分析比较这些锈蚀产物及铁器锈蚀程度,对铁器锈蚀机理进行了分析,得知铁仔山出土铁器在埋藏时已受到严重的腐蚀,出土后未及时清除表面的污染物和有害锈及脱除可溶盐,加速了铁器文物的进一步腐蚀,加之保存环境湿度较高,致使空气中的水分透过锈层孔隙在未锈的铁质部分凝结,导致土壤中的有害成分继续危害铁器,大气中的尘埃粒子沉降到器物表面,因吸湿作用使铁器表面形成水膜,造成有利于腐蚀的环境。多种因素协同作用,使铁器文物的腐蚀加剧。本工作对这批铁器文物的进一步保护修复提供了理论依据和数据支持,也为沿海地区铁器文物的保护提供了参考。 Ironworks excavated from Tiezishan tombs in Shenzhen was seriously corroded due to the burial environment before excavation, the storage conditions of the warehouse and other factors, and the effective protection measures were not taken timely after the excavation. In order to prolong the life span of these iron artifacts and reduce their corrosion damage, this paper comprehensively analyzed the corrosion status of iron artifacts by using microscopic observation, density determination, qualitative analysis of silver nitrate, X-ray diffraction and X-ray fluorescence spectrometry. The results show that the iron minerals unearthed in the Tiezishan tombs are seriously mineralized, and the corrosion products mainly include goethite, lepidocrocite, hematite, a large amount of clay minerals and soluble salts. By analyzing and comparing these corrosion products and the corrosion degree of the irons, the corrosion mechanism of the irons was analyzed. It was learned that the irons unearthed from the ironszheshan Mountain had been seriously corroded during the burial. After the excavated, the surface pollutants and the rust were not removed in time and were removed Soluble salt accelerates the further corrosion of iron artifacts. In addition, the humidity in the storage environment is relatively high, causing moisture in the air to condense in the rusty iron part through pores in the rust layer, causing the harmful components in the soil to continue to endanger ironworks and the atmosphere Of the dust particles settled to the surface of the object, because of moisture to form a water film on the surface of the iron, resulting in conducive to corrosion of the environment. A variety of factors synergistic effect, so that the corrosion of iron artifacts intensified. This work provides theoretical basis and data support for the further protection and repair of this batch of iron artifacts, and also provides a reference for the protection of iron artifacts in coastal areas.