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金属磁记忆检测技术 (MMT)能快速、准确、可靠地探测受力铁磁部件的应力集中部位 ,是对部件进行疲劳失效分析和早期损伤诊断的无损评价新技术。为了进一步推动磁记忆检测技术在我国的研究与应用 ,经商议 ,决定于 2 0 0 1年 8月 2 0日在北京举办全国首届金属磁记忆检测技术研 Metal magnetic memory testing (MMT) can quickly, accurately and reliably detect the stress concentration of stressed ferromagnetic components. It is a new nondestructive evaluation technology for fatigue failure analysis and early damage diagnosis of components. In order to further promote the research and application of magnetic memory testing technology in our country, after deliberation, it is decided to hold the first metal magnetic memory testing technology in Beijing on August 20, 2001
方法特点 :由碱金属基料和碱金属硫酸盐反应或由硫酸和聚合氯化铝或聚氯硫酸盐反应生产聚合氯化硫酸铝。该产品用于处理饮用水 ,性能优异。该产品化学通用式为Al(OH)oClm(SO4 )nMp,这里M是
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介绍在“永清-北京东郊门站输气管线工程”中采用JME X射线管道爬行器检测焊道的经验,以及在应用中的注意事项.
目的 分析中国农村3~6岁儿童忽视影响因素.方法 按照多阶段分层整群抽样的原则,采用抽签法抽样,兼顾地理分布特点及经济发展水平,从全国七大行政区域中随机共抽取10个省(直辖
The Adaptive integral method(AIM) in conjunction with the best uniform approximation technique is applied to analyze the electromagnetic problems of surface-wir
In this work, the thermal conduction property of thermoelectric microwave power sensors is researched. The fabrication of the thermoelectric microwave power sen