
来源 :西安政治学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ghostbyte
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2007年是党、国家和军队发展进程中极为重要的一年。新年伊始,《中国人民解放军思想政治教育大纲(试行)》(以下简称《大纲》),正式颁布施行,这是我军贯彻落实胡主席重要指示、加强思想政治教育主动性针对性实效性的重要举措,是坚持依法从严治军、加强思想政治教育法规制度建设的必然要求。《大纲》的颁布施行,对于建立良好的思想政治教育秩序,有效解决部队思想政治教育中面临的矛盾和问题,推动部队思想政治教育逐步纳入法制化轨道,不断提高思想政治教育质量,增强部队凝聚力、战斗力,保证有效履行我军新的历史使命,具有十分重要的意义。军队政治院校是开展思想政治教育的主阵地,为了落实院、部首长关于把《大纲》迅速纳入重要的教学内容之中、进行授课辅导的指示要求,军队政治工作学系组织部分专家、教授,就如何学习把握《大纲》的灵魂、基本内容、根本要求等问题进行了集中研讨、交流。本刊特此发表这次研讨的部分成果,以期推动对《大纲》的学习、研究和贯彻落实。 2007 is an extremely important year in the process of the party, state and army development. At the beginning of the new year, the “Outline of the Ideological and Political Education of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (Trial)” (hereinafter referred to as the “Outline”) was promulgated and implemented. This is an important aspect for our military to carry out the important instructions given by Chairman Hu and strengthen the targeted effectiveness of ideological and political education initiatives Measures are the inevitable requirement of upholding the principle of “running the army in strict accordance with the law” and strengthening the construction of laws and regulations in ideological and political education. The promulgation and implementation of the “Outline” are of great significance in establishing a sound order for ideological and political education, effectively resolving the contradictions and problems confronting the ideological and political education in the armed forces, and gradually bringing the ideological and political education in the armed forces into the legal system orbit, continuously improving the quality of ideological and political education and enhancing the cohesion of the armed forces , Combat effectiveness and ensuring the effective fulfillment of the new historical mission of our army. It is of great significance. The military political academies are the main front for carrying out ideological and political education. In order to fulfill the directives of the academy and ministers regarding the prompt inclusion of “synopses” in important teaching contents and for the guidance and guidance of their tutors, some experts and professors in the department of military political work , Conducted a focused discussion and exchange on how to learn to master the soul, basic content and fundamental requirements of the Outline. We hereby publish some of the results of this seminar, with a view to promoting the “outline” of learning, research and implementation.
目的 :建立克林霉素磷酸酯注射液的含量测定方法。方法 :采用分光光度法于 5 2 0nm波长处测定克林霉素磷酸酯含量。结果 :线性范围 0 .10~ 0 .4 0mg·ml-1,r=0 .9999,平均回收