,Effects of sputtering power and annealing temperature on surface roughness of gold films for high-r

来源 :核技术(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tuojing
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Gold films deposited by direct current mag-netron sputtering are used for synchrotron radiation optics. In this study, the microstructure and surface roughness of gold films were investigated for the purpose of developing high-reflectivity mirrors. The deposition process was first optimized. Films were fabricated at different sputtering powers (15, 40, 80, and 120 W) and characterized using grazing incidence X-ray reflectometry, X-ray diffraction, and atomic force microscopy. The results showed that all the films were highly textured, having a dominant Au (111) orientation, and the film deposited at 80 W had the lowest surface roughness. Subsequently, post-deposition anneal-ing from 100 to 200°C in a vacuum was performed on the films deposited at 80 W to investigate the effect of annealing on the microstructure and surface roughness of the films. The grain size, surface roughness, and their relationship were investigated as a function of annealing temperature. AFM and XRD results revealed that at annealing temperatures of 175°C and below, microstruc-tural change of the films was mainly manifested by the elimination of voids. At annealing temperatures higher than 175°C, grain coalescence occurred in addition to the void elimination, causing the surface roughness to increase.
本刊讯  7月 2日 ,山西省档案学会中青年学术委员会对 3 8名培养对象申报的 2 0 0 2年度 66项研究成果进行了评审。按照评奖标准和条件 ,经过认真筛审 ,共评出档案学优秀成
The arrangement of DNA-based nanostructures into the desired large-scale periodic patte with the highest possible accuracy and control is essential for the DNA