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根据宝钢建设中混凝土工程量大、供应集中的特点,从日本引进两套生产能力为180米~3/时的大型自动化搅拌站,这种搅拌站综合技术水平较高,是国内最先进的一种技术装备。对这样的技术装备,首先要组织力量认真剖析每一个系统和构造,把国外先进技术和经验得以掌握和消化,保证按期顺利投产,使之在宝钢建设中发挥应有的作用。同时还应该看到由于国内外条件不同,搅拌站本身尚存在一些问题,这些问题都要求我们在学习的过程中,积极发挥自己的创造精神,结合我国实际情况予以解决。随着时间的推移,先进的技术装备也会变成落后。当代科学技术正以前所未有的速度向前发展着,如果我们只学习,不创造,只引进,不发展,只是跟在别人后面亦步亦趋,那末四个现代化也就难以实现。这里发表的几篇文章仅对引进技术作了一些初步的剖析、比较和鉴別的工作,但是我们决不能停留在这一步上,还要在消化的基础上去提高它、发展它,通过引进来壮大和发展我国自己的技术装备,这是我们每个建筑工作者应尽的责任。 According to the characteristics of large quantities of concrete and concentrated supply in the construction of Baosteel, two sets of large-scale automated mixing plants with production capacities of 180 to 3 per hour have been introduced from Japan. This mixing plant has a high level of comprehensive technology and is the most advanced in the country. Technical equipment. For such technical equipment, it is necessary to first organize forces to carefully analyze each system and structure, grasp and digest foreign advanced technologies and experience, and ensure that the production will be put into operation on time so that it can play its due role in the construction of Baosteel. At the same time, we should also see that due to the different conditions at home and abroad, the mixing station itself still has some problems. These issues require us to actively play our creative spirit in the process of learning, and to solve it in light of our actual situation. As time goes by, advanced technology and equipment will also become backward. Contemporary science and technology is advancing at an unprecedented speed. If we only study, we do not create, we only introduce it, we do not develop it, we just follow others, and then the four modernizations will be difficult to achieve. Several articles published here only make preliminary analysis, comparison, and identification of imported technology. However, we must not stop at this step. We must also improve it and develop it on the basis of digestion. It is the responsibility of each of our construction workers to grow and develop our own technological equipment.
全国跨区机收水稻现场会演(展)示主要机具与跨区机收服务队名单(2001年7月14日·湖南宁乡县全民乡) National cross-machine machine harvesting rice live show (show) sho
这类钻机是苏联近年来设计生产的一种新型而符合现代化技术要求的油压自动给进岩心钻探机,据苏联推行使用结果,证明生产效率比旧式(КА-2М-300型)约提高20-30%。 This kind of