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2003年9月,阿联酋迪拜王室成员马克托姆王子和南非商人托尼·特塞拉共同发起了A1大奖赛。它与F1的最大不同是:A1以国家为单位组队参赛。为此,A1规定了所有参赛队员必须使用指定的相同赛车,这项革新把方程式比赛从以往各大汽车厂商的疯狂装备竞赛中挽救回来,突出了体育的本质——各国车手之间更纯粹的技术对决,这些年轻才俊们在这个新兴的赛车舞台上崭露头角,每次决赛开始前,大赛的组织者都会对着这20多个国家的车手大声呼喊:“为了国家的荣誉,发动你的引擎!”2007年4月15日,A1大奖赛2006-2007赛季上海站比赛的决赛日。这是A1第二次来到上海国际赛车场,相比第一年,这个年轻的赛事明显成长了许多,赛制的逐渐完善增强了比赛的可看性;当年,许多国家启用的是本国具有丰富经验的老将,而在今年,更多的年轻才俊加入到其中,有的已经雄霸一方,令人不可小视;这个赛季的A1无论从范围还是转播质量都堪称世界一流。 In September 2003, Mark Tok, a member of the royal family in Dubai, UAE, and South African businessman Tony Tursel co-sponsored the A1 Grand Prix. It is the biggest difference with the F1 is: A1 team to enter the country as a unit. For this reason, A1 stipulates that all team members must use the same designated car. This innovation saved Formula Racing from the crazy equipment competitions of previous major car manufacturers, highlighting the nature of sport - more pure Technical duel, these young talent emerge in this emerging racing arena, before the start of each final, the contest organizers will shout loudly to the drivers in more than 20 countries: “In order to honor the country, to launch your Engine! ”April 15, 2007, A1 Grand Prix 2006-2007 season, the final race in Shanghai. This is A1 for the second time to the Shanghai International Circuit, compared to the first year, this young race has grown significantly more, the gradual improvement of competition system to enhance the visibility of the game; that year, many countries have enabled the country is rich Experience veterans, and this year, more young talent to join them, and some have dominated the one, it is not to be underestimated; this season’s A1 in terms of range or broadcast quality are 堪称 world-class.
金果榄(Calystigia hydraceae)的块根含一植物硷及一中性物质,最近我们鉴识后者为 Columbin;由于 Columbin 常与巴马汀碱(Palmatine)共同存在于数种防己科的植物中,如 Jatro
The DC characteristics of SiGe HBT irradiated at different electron dose have been studied in a comparison with those of Si BJT. Generally, Ib and Ib - Ib0 incr
荷兰飞利浦公司生产的TDA7497音频功率放大集成电路,属三声道结构,常用于高品质的中小功率的音响设备和高档的大屏幕彩电中,执行 R、L 声道和重低音声道 S(或中置声道 C)信