五十开外的农民陈悟光,连做梦也没有想到。自己会作为林业专业户的先进代表,在好几百人的大会上作报告,心里那热呼劲,甭提啦……。 陈悟光是和硕县塔哈其乡祖鲁木里村人。1985年春,他联合六户农民到戈壁荒滩上搞联合型林业开发生产,经过三年的艰苦奋斗,如今已平整条田六百多亩,水渠配套,造林三百多亩,六万多株。其中,速生丰产林二百多亩,苹果一百亩。1986—1987年二年中,总收入十三万元,户均收入二万多元。六户农民住进了新房,穿上了新衣,用上了家用电器,粮油吃不完,家家有存款。
Fifty out of the farmer Chen Wuguang, did not even think of dreaming. As an advanced representative of a forestry professional, I will make a report at a conference of several hundred people, and my heart will be enthusiastic about it. Chen Wuguang is Shuo Shuo Township, Shuo Shuo Township, Shuo-Shuo County people. In the spring of 1985, he joined six peasants to engage in joint forestry development and production on the wasteland of the Gobi Desert. After three years of arduous struggle, he now has a field of more than 600 mu, drainage facilities, afforestation of 300 mu and more than 60,000 strains . Among them, fast growing forest two hundred acres, one hundred acres of apple. During the two years from 1986 to 1987, the total income was 130,000 yuan and the average household income was 20,000 yuan. Six farmers lived in new houses, put on new clothes, used household appliances, grain and oil eaten, every family has money.