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一、新法快速烧结炉底的技术特点新建大型炼钢车间本届大修的烧结炉底工作,采用了鞍钢先进经验“厚铺快速烧结法”,结果良好。可以认为“厚铺快速烧结炉底”在用发生炉煤气的小吨位平炉上也获得了成功。新法烧结炉底的特点是:在保证烧结质量的条件下,投铺层厚,烧结快速,使整个炉底的烧结总时间大大缩短现将新方法的技术特点介绍于下:(1)原材料的选择及配料方面:1)强调增多细颗粒的镁砂用量。根据鞍钢经验,镁砂合适的粒度不是过去一般通认的2—6m/m,正确的镁砂粒度应为50%0—10m/m 及50%0—0.8m/m,即增多了细颗粒镁砂的用量。这样做的根据是细颗粒镁砂的表面积多故吸热就多,容易为铁皮及钢渣渗透,烧结的快且密实。可以这样讲:增多细颗粒镁砂的比例是给厚铺及快速烧结创造了有利条件。 First, the new method of rapid sintering furnace bottom technical characteristics of the new large-scale steelmaking workshop overhaul sintering furnace bottom work, using the advanced experience of Ansteel “thick shop fast sintering method”, the result is good. It can be argued that “thick-bed blast furnace bottom” was also successful in using small-tonne open hearth furnace gas. The new method is characterized by sintering bottom: to ensure the quality of the sintering conditions, cast layer thickness, sintering fast, so that the entire furnace bottom sintering time is greatly reduced now the technical characteristics of the new method introduced in the following: (1) raw materials Choice and ingredients: 1) Emphasize the increased use of fine particles of magnesia. According to Ansteel’s experience, the suitable particle size of magnesia is not generally 2-6 m / m in the past. The correct magnesia particle size should be 50% 0-10 m / m and 50% 0-0.8 m / m, that is, an increase of fine particles The amount of magnesia. The basis for doing so is the surface area of ​​fine-grained magnesia so many endothermic, easy to infiltrate the metal and slag, sintering fast and dense. It can be said: increase the proportion of fine particles of magnesia is to thick bedding and rapid sintering has created favorable conditions.
美国的福塞科公司生产并出售一种定名为“Pelamag”的涂盐镁粒脱硫剂,较碳化钙(CaC_2)和其它类型的镁质脱硫剂具有许多优越性,表现在如下几个方面: The production and sal
本试验是在现有熔剂精炼基础上,采取添加剂予以净化,目的是除去金属杂质,添加剂为液体TiCl_4。工艺过程可用下式表示: This test is based on the existing flux refining,
关于高炉冷却问题,目前还很少进行研究。我们发表这篇文章的目的,不仅为了供各高炉车间参考,同时更希望各厂能进行类似的研究工作,以改进高炉冷却系统中的缺点。 There are
实践表明,上插槽与其他类型的电解槽相比,生产的铝质量低,这是铁由非生产用原料(阳极棒,铸铁集气罩,电解槽用的操作工具,阴极部件)进入铝液中的结果。 Practice shows that