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南市水厂是上海自来水公司的一个下属厂,有职工500多人,负责供应南市、卢湾、黄浦、长宁等区的工业和居民用水,是上海市民主管理先进单位,去年又获得了全国模范职工之家的称号。 改革开放以来,特别是企业经营机制转换以后,职工的切身利益与企业的经济效益紧密相关,职工要求参加企业民主管理的愿望越来越强烈。南市水厂在这种形势下,借鉴“质量月”、“红五月”、“宣传周”的方法,提出了在每年的“红五月”同时开展“民主管理月”活动,拓展“红五月”工人当家作主的内涵。在“民主管理月”中,开展“民主管理工作创新奖、成果奖”发布、“我为民管进一言”、“职代会最佳提案讲评”、“职工代表述职”、“职工代表巡视”以及“做主人、当主人”黑板报展评、“民主评议厂长”信任投票等系列活动,以营造一种人人投入、人人参与企业管理的氛围,强化民主管理。几年来的实践,取得了很好的效果,这是一条颇有启迪意义的民管之路。 The Nanshi Water Plant is a subordinate factory of the Shanghai Water Supply Company. It has more than 500 employees and is responsible for the supply of water for industrial and residential use in Nanshi, Luwan, Huangpu, and Changning districts. It is an advanced unit of democratic management in Shanghai and won the national race last year. Model employee’s home title. Since the reform and opening up, especially after the transformation of the operating mechanism of enterprises, the immediate interests of employees have been closely linked with the economic benefits of enterprises. The desire of employees to participate in the democratic management of enterprises has become stronger and stronger. Under such circumstances, the South City Water Plant has drawn on the methods of “Quality Month”, “Red May”, and “Propaganda Week” and proposed the “Red May” campaign to carry out “Democratic Management Month” activities at the same time to expand “ The Connotation of the Workers’ Masters in the Red May. In the “Democratic Management Month”, the “Democracy Management Work Innovation Award, Achievement Award” was released, “I made a statement for the people’s management,” “The Best Proposal for the Staff Representative Conference,” “Employee Representative Debriefing,” and “Staff Representatives ”Inspection“ and ”hosts, masters“ blackboard newspaper exhibition review, ”Democratic review director" trust vote and other series of activities, in order to create a kind of investment for everyone, everyone involved in corporate management atmosphere, strengthen democratic management. The practice over the past few years has achieved very good results. This is a very instructive way for civilian management.
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