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随着我国社会的变革,家庭结构也相应发生了深刻的变化,因而家庭养老模式便有了不同的表现形式。根据社会调查,按老年人所在家庭的组合形式作标准进行划分,现阶段的家庭养老模式一般有下列五种表现: (一)主干家庭养老型。主要是指直系三代同居合灶的养老式。在这样的家庭中,当老人身体尚健,有一定的劳动能力时,他是这个家庭的辅助劳动者,当他失去劳动能力或失去生活自理能力时,则由子女赡养陪侍。这种家庭养老形式目前在各地广泛存在,约占家庭养老总数的20%左右,农村略高于城市。 (二)核心家庭养老型。主要是指子女都已成婚,独立生活,分居另灶,但又相互联系紧密,相互关怀和照料。其养老方式:当老人身体状况尚好,有一定劳动能力或经济收入时,则老人生活表现为“自养式”;当老人身体尚健、经济收入不能完全满足生活需求时,便产生了“补贴式”;如果老人失去劳动能力,无经济来源但生活尚能自理时,随又出现了“供给式”;到了老人失去生活自理能力时,随又出现了“陪侍式”或“合灶同过式”(后者和主干家庭养老式类同)。 With the social changes in our country, profound changes have taken place in the family structure. As a result, there are different manifestations of the family endowment model. According to the social survey, according to the combination form of the family where the elderly are located, the family endowment model at the current stage generally has the following five kinds of performances: (1) The main family pension type. Mainly refers to the direct three generations of cohabitation stove together pension. In such families, when the elderly are in good health and have some ability to work, he is a supporting worker in the family. When he loses his ability to work or loses his ability to take care of himself, he is supported by his children. This form of home-based retirement is now widespread in all parts of the country, accounting for about 20% of the total number of home-based retirees. The rural area is slightly higher than the urban area. (B) core family pension. Mainly refers to the children are married, independent living, separate and separate, but closely linked to each other and care for each other. The way of providing for the elderly: When the elderly are in good health and have a certain amount of work ability or economic income, the elderly live in “self-supporting style.” When the elderly are in good health and the economic income can not fully meet their needs, they have a “subsidy If the elderly lose their ability to work, they have no source of income but can still take care of their own lives, the ”supply-type“ appears again. When the elderly lose their ability to take care of themselves, the ”accompanying-style“ or ” Style "(the latter is the same as the main family pension).
[{Cu(phen)(DMF)2}2(β-Mo8O26)] 1 (C36H44Cu2Mo8N8O30, Mr = 1963.39, phen = 1,10-phenanthroline) and [CuI(phen)2]2[{CuI(phen)}2Mo8O26] 2 (C72H48Cu4Mo8N12O26, Mr =