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我是做了几年的编辑、记者工作之后,于一九六四年开始作要闻版组版编辑的,直到一九八五年离开这个岗位,共做了二十多年的组版工作。实践中我体会到,组版工作绝不是单纯把编发出来的稿件安排到版面上就行了,而是要按照现实的报道意图,有计划地选择和搭配稿件,并在版面上作适当的美化处理,对有些稿件还要做最后一次精加工,并做好标题,力求每期报纸的版面重点突出,主次鲜明,品种多样,搭配适当,美观大方,严肃活泼。组版编辑的责任就是运用各种组织手段,通过搞好版面布局体现宣传意图。在组版编辑看来,版面是一个整体,是一个舞台,“天地”虽然有限,搞好了却可以变化无穷。从这个意义上 After several years of editing and work as a journalist, I started to make editorial board editions in 1964. I left this post in 1985 and did more than 20 years of group edition work. In practice, I realized that group work is by no means a mere arrangement of manuscripts on the layout. Instead, we should select and match manuscripts according to realistic intent and make appropriate landscaping on the layout For some manuscripts, the final finishing should be done and the titles should be well-made so that each newspaper page will focus on the layout of the newspaper with distinctive primary and secondary varieties, with appropriate, elegant and lively appearances. Group Edition editor’s responsibility is to use a variety of organizational tools, through the layout layout to reflect the publicity. Appears in the group edition editor, the layout is a whole, is a stage, “heaven and earth” although limited, improve it but can be infinitely different. In this sense
【摘要】微博是一种新兴的网络文化载体,其文化对于高校思想政治教育工作而言犹如一把“双刃剑”。如何将微博文化中的有利因素用于高校思政教育工作中是二十一新世纪以来我国教育行业关注的一个重要问题,需要有关部门及个人引起高度重视。本文主要介绍了微博文化的基本含义,分析了微博文化对高校思政教育工作的利与弊,进而提出一些建设性意见。  【关键词】微博文化;高校思政教育工作;利弊分析;有利因素;影响  【中图分
For the typical color defects of polysilicon wafers,i.e.,edge discoloration,color inaccuracy and color non-uniformity,a new integrated machine vision detection method is proposed based on an HSV color
【中图分类号】G434;H319 【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】2095-3089(2017)36-0017-01  在移动互联网络时代下,如何改革大学英语教学,提升课堂内外大学英语的学习效率,本文做了深入的探讨和研究。  互联网+与外语教学研究结合,通过学习方式的改变,发挥信息时代夸时空,大信息量,交互性和个性化学习的优势,实现自主学习,合作学习,探究学习,发展学生的信息素养,培养学生自主,高效
The present study deals with the quantification of skid resistance seasonal variation in asphalt pavements.Consequently,skid resistance data were collected twic
The inclusion of recycled asphalt shingles (RAS) in asphalt mixtures has become increasingiy common;however,the underlying design principles vary significantly