搞好秧田管理,是培育壮秧、提高成秧率的夫键。早稻育秧期间,常常遇到低温、阴雨,要根据秧苗生长情况和气候条件,进行科学的肥水管理,以防止烂芽和烂秧,保证育足适龄壮秧。秧田管理一般可分三个阶段: (一)芽期:从播种至扎根映青,约一个星期。在水浆管理上应掌握干干湿湿,以干为主,一般不灌水,以免翻根、倒芽和烂芽。这时秧苗幼根的适应能力较弱,浸水缺氧会妨碍扎根,因此要让土壤通气,促使幼根下
Do a good job in seedling management, is to nurture strong seedlings, raise seedling rate husband key. Early rice growing seedlings, often encounter low temperature, rainy weather, according to the growth of seedlings and climatic conditions, scientific management of fertilizer and water to prevent rotten buds and rotten seedlings, to ensure adequate fertility enough age seedlings. Seedling management generally can be divided into three stages: (a) bud period: from sowing to take root green, about a week. In the water slurry management should be dry and wet, dry-based, generally not irrigation, so as not to turn the root, pour buds and rotten buds. At this time young seedling adaptability is weaker, soaking water will prevent the roots, so let the soil aeration, prompting the root