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党的第十三次全国代表大会很快就要召开了。这是一次举世瞩目的大会,必将有力地把建设有中国特色的社会主义的伟大事业推向前进。为了迎接十三大的召开并作好贯彻十三大精神的准备,省委从今年下半年以来主要抓了两方面的工作,一方面是抓好当前工作,以优异成绩迎接十三大,并从各个方面为十三大创造一个良好的社会环境。另一方面是抓调查研究,省党代表会议以后,省委常委都做了调查研究,我自己就先后到徐州、盐城作社会调查,以后又到镇江。调查研究第一阶段着重解决十三大以后八年(七五计划的后三年和八五计划的五年),江苏在现有基础上怎样加快改革开放的步伐,研究今后经济和社会的发展;调查研究进行到第二阶段时,中央发来了十三大政治报告的草稿,我们根据草稿精神,又进 The 13th National Congress of the Party will soon be held. This is a convention that attracts worldwide attention and will surely push forward the great cause of building socialism with Chinese characteristics. In order to meet the convening of the 13th CPC National Congress and prepare for the implementation of the 13th CPC National Congress, the provincial party committee has mainly focused on two aspects of work since the second half of this year. On the one hand, it is doing a good job in the current work and welcoming the 13th CPC National Congress with outstanding achievements. We should create a good social environment for the 13th National Congress from all aspects. On the other hand, after grasping the investigation and research, after the meeting of provincial party delegates, the provincial party committee members have all conducted investigations and studies. I went to Xuzhou and Yancheng successively for social investigation and later to Zhenjiang. The first phase of the investigation and study focused on solving the problems of the eight years after the 13th CPC National Congress (the last three years of the Seventh Five-Year Plan and the five-year plan of the Eighth Five-Year Plan), Jiangsu’s pace of reform and opening up on the existing basis and the future economic and social development ; During the second phase of the investigation and study, the Central Committee sent the draft of the 13 major political reports. According to the draftsmanship,
1.引言《历史社会语言学:英国都德和斯图亚特王朝的语言演变》(Historical Sociolinguistics:Language Change in Tudor and Stuart England)一书,是芬兰赫尔辛基大学英语系
获得上海劳力士大师赛球童资格的孩子将在世界级的舞台上展现自己,同时,这些从上千名角逐者中脱颖而出的佼佼者们,也担负起了向同龄人推广网球文化的使命。 Children who qu