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一般的意见认为汉人刘歆是奠定《左传》学的元勋。那么,当时的陈钦、陈元父子俩对促进《左传》学的发展来说也贡献颇大,堪称是早期《左传》研究的两大功臣。 《汉书·刘欲传》说:“歆校秘书,见古文《春秋左氏传》,歆大好之。……初,《左氏传》多古字古言,学者传训诂而已。及歆治《左氏》引传文以解经,转相发明,由是章句义理备焉”。据说《左传》是由春秋末战国初的鲁国人左丘明最先编撰的,因这部书中有不少内容对孔子所撰的《春秋》经文有所解释,故它又被视为解经之作。西汉时著名的解经之作有《公羊传》和《谷梁传》。两传具属今 The general opinion that the Han Liu Xin is to lay the “Zuo Zhuan” learning of the hoon. Then, at that time, Chen Qin and Chen Yuan and their father and son both contributed a lot to the development of “Zuo Zhuan” learning. They were the two great contributors to the study of Zuo Zhuan in the early days. “Han Liu Yu Chuan,” said: “Xin school secretary, see the ancient text” Spring and Autumn Zushi Biography “, Xin great. ...... In the beginning,” Zuo Zhuan “more ancient words, scholars and training 诂 only. ”Zuo Shi“ cited the text to explain the script, turn phase invented by the chapter preface preparedness Yan. ” It is said that “Zuo Zhuan” was first compiled by Zuo Qiuming, a Luguo man at the beginning of the Spring and Autumn Period, because many of the contents of this book have been interpreted by Confucius as “Spring and Autumn”. Therefore, For the solution of the scriptures. The well-known interpretation of the Western Han Dynasty “Ram Biography” and “Gu Liang Biography.” Two transmission is the present
马蹄铁肾临床较罕见,国内报告不多,我省尚未见报告,兹将我院遇见之一例报告于下: 患者,男,53岁,已婚,职员,住院号33460,于1963年7月23日主诉血尿二月余入院。 Horseshoe Ki
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